![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) | English | German ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/s1.gif) | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) |
– | |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second [person] | 36 Zweiter {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | runner-up | Zweiter {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Others |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | another {adj} | ein zweiter | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second-class {adj} | zweiter Klasse [nachgestellt] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports to come second | Zweiter werden | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Nouns |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | a distant second | abgeschlagener Zweiter {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | eternal runner-up | ewiger Zweiter {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | relig. second Sunday of / in Advent | zweiter Advent {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second attempt | zweiter Anlauf {m} [Versuch] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second coat | zweiter Anstrich {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports second string | zweiter Anzug {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | jobs subsidised / intermediate labour market [Br.] | zweiter Arbeitsmarkt {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports second serve [tennis] | zweiter Aufschlag {m} [Tennis] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | educ. second-chance education | zweiter Bildungsweg {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. VetMed. second thoracic vertebra <2rd thoracic vertebra, T2 vertebra, T2> [Vertebra thoracica II] | zweiter Brustwirbel {m} <2. Brustwirbel, Th2, Th 2> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | electr. secondary breakdown | zweiter Durchbruch {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second run | zweiter Durchlauf {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second gear | zweiter Gang {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | hist. Second Gulf War | Zweiter Golfkrieg {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. vertebra dentata [rare] [axis, epistropheus] | zweiter Halswirbel {m} <C2> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. second cervical vertebra (of the spine) <C2> [axis] | zweiter Halswirbel {m} <C2> [Axis] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. optic nerve <CN II, CNII> [Nervus opticus] [second cranial nerve] | zweiter Hirnnerv {m} <II. Hirnnerv> [Sehnerv] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. cranial nerve II <CN II, CNII> [Nervus opticus] | zweiter Hirnnerv {m} <II. Hirnnerv> [Sehnerv] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | hist. Second Indochina War [Vietnam War] | Zweiter Indochinakrieg {m} [Vietnamkrieg] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports outside centre [Br.] [rugby] | zweiter Innendreiviertel {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | math. second isomorphism theorem <SIT> | zweiter Isomorphiesatz {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | hist. mil. relig. Second War of Kappel | Zweiter Kappelerkrieg {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | hist. pol. Second Continental Congress [1775–1781] | Zweiter Kontinentalkongress {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | law Solicitor General [Br.] | zweiter Kronanwalt {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second run | zweiter Lauf {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. VetMed. second lumbar vertebra <2nd lumbar vertebra, L2 vertebra, L2> [Vertebra lumbalis II] | zweiter Lendenwirbel {m} <2. Lendenwirbel, L2, L 2> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | second market | zweiter Markt {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | secondary market | zweiter Markt {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | dent. second primary molar | zweiter Milchmolar {m} <5er> [Milchgebiss] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | dent. second molar | zweiter Molar {m} <7er> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | dent. twelve-year molar | zweiter Molar {m} <7er> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | admin. Lord Steward [Br.] | Zweiter Obersthofmeister {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | relig. assistant pastor | zweiter Pfarrer {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports back post [football] | zweiter Pfosten {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | runner-up slot | zweiter Platz {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports runners-up spot | zweiter Platz {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | dent. second bicuspid | zweiter Prämolar {m} <5er> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | dent. second premolar | zweiter Prämolar {m} <5er> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | theatre second balcony [Am.] | zweiter Rang {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | theatre upper circle | zweiter Rang {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports second goal this season | zweiter Saisontreffer {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | anat. biol. second sacral vertebra <2nd sacral vertebra, S2 vertebra, S2> [Vertebra sacralis II] | zweiter Sakralwirbel {m} <2. Sakralwirbel, S2, S 2> | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | undersecretary | zweiter Sekretär {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | runner-up | zweiter Sieger {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | film RadioTV second unit | zweiter Stab {m} [auch: Zweiter Stab, Second Unit] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |