Dictionary English German: works

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NOUN1   a work | works
NOUN2   a works [factory etc., used with noun modifier] | works
VERB  to work | worked/[rarely] wrought | worked/[rarely] wrought
working | works
SYNO   deeds | works | workings ... 
sb./sth. works
jd./etw. arbeitet
works {adj}
Arbeiten {pl}
ind. works {sg} [esp. Br.] [factory (premises), plant] [often used with a noun modifier]
Werk {n} [Werksanlage, Fabrik]
ind. works
Fabrik {f}
ind. works
Betrieb {m}
art lit. mus. works {pl}
Werk {n} [Gesamtwerk]
lit. works
Schriften {pl}
the worksalles Denkbare {n}
the works {pl} [coll.] [everything needed, desired, or expected]alles Mögliche {n}
the works {pl} [coll.] [idiom] [everything available]das volle Programm {n} [ugs.] [Redewendung] [alles]
ind. worksWerkanlage {f}
drugs works [Am.] [sl.]Injektionsbesteck {n} für Drogen
archi. mil. works [fortifications]Festungswerke {pl}
art lit. mus. works {pl}Gesamtwerk {n}
bibl. works {pl} [moral or righteous acts or deeds]Wirken {n}
2 Words: Others
ex works {adj}werkseitig
comm. ex works {adv} <EXW>ab Fabrik
comm. ex works {adv} <EXW>ab Werk [Incoterm]
comm. ex works <EXW>ex Werk <EXW>
It works.Es funktioniert.
It works.Es geht.
sb. works meticulouslyjd. tüftelt
sb. works upjd. verarbeitet
ind. works' own {adj}werkseigen
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. ind. aircraft worksFlugzeugwerft {f}
ind. aluminium works [Br.]Aluminiumwerk {n}
ind. aluminum works [Am.]Aluminiumwerk {n}
ind. mil. armament works [archaic]Rüstungsfabrik {f}
ind. mil. weapons arms worksWaffenfabrik {f}
ind. assembly worksMontagearbeiten {pl}
ind. brick worksZiegelei {f}
brine worksSaline {f}
constr. building worksbauliche Anlagen {pl}
ind. cement works [treated as sg. or pl.]Zementwerk {n}
film cinematic works {pl}Filmwerk {n}
film cinematographic worksKinofilme {pl}
constr. civil worksBauarbeiten {pl}
lit. publ. collected works {pl}Gesamtausgabe {f}
complete worksvollständige Werke {pl}
art lit. mus. complete works {pl}Gesamtwerk {n}
constr. construction worksBauarbeiten {pl}
defence works [Br.]Verteidigungsanlagen {pl}
defensive worksVerteidigungsanlagen {pl}
archi. mil. defensive worksVerteidigungswerke {pl}
archi. engin. Delta Works [treated as sg.]Deltawerke {pl}
constr. demolition worksAbbrucharbeiten {pl}
constr. development worksErschließungsarbeiten {pl}
constr. mining driving works [tunnel, shaft works]Vortriebsarbeiten {pl} [Tunnel-, Schachtarbeiten]
ind. dye-worksFärberei {f}
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