Dictionary English German: wo

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where {adv} [interrogative]
who {pron}
wo [regional] [ugs.] [in Bezug auf jemanden: der, die, das]
that {pron}
wo [regional] [ugs.] [in Bezug auf etwas: der, die, das]
which {pron}
wo [regional] [ugs.] [in Bezug auf etwas: der, die, das]
somewhere {adv}wo [irgendwo] [ugs.]
archi. constr. wall opening <WO>Wandöffnung {f} <WÖ>
geogr. [Belgium]Weiz {n} [Belgien]
math. tech. root locus <RL>Wurzelort {m} <WO>
2 Words: Others
Nonsense!Ach wo!
Certainly not!Ach wo!
By no means!Ach wo!
Of course not!Ach wo!
[that / which / who] {pron}das wo [südd.] [ugs.] [das]
that {pron}der wo [südd.] [ugs.] [der]
which {pron}der wo [südd.] [ugs.] [der]
who {pron}der wo [südd.] [ugs.] [der]
that {pron}die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die]
which {pron}die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die]
who {pron}die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die]
at the point where {adv}dort, wo
in places where {adv}dort, wo [an Orten, wo]
in cases wheredort, wo [in Fällen, wo]
at the very place where ...ebendort, wo ...
Nah! [coll.]I wo! [ugs.]
Now (that) ...Jetzt, wo ...
Now that ...Jetzt, wo ...
elsewhere {adv}sonst wo
somewhere else {adv}sonst wo
whence {adv} [dated] [from where, which place]von wo
wherefrom {adv} [archaic]von wo
where appropriate {adv}wo angemessen
whereabouts {adv}wo etwa
wherever {adv}wo immer
Where else?Wo sonst?
where applicable {adv}wo zutreffend
where appropriate {adv}wo zweckmäßig
2 Words: Nouns
anat. zool. dorsal pathway [brain]Wo-Bahn {f} [dorsale Bahn]
3 Words: Others
at the place where ...am Ort, wo ...
or elsewhereoder sonst wo
or whereveroder sonst wo
whence {adv}von wo aus
from wherevon wo aus
wheresoever {adv}wo auch immer
wherever {adv}wo auch immer
Where are you ?Wo bist du ?
Where ya been? [sl.] [Where have you been?]Wo bistn gewesen? [ugs.] [Wo bist du denn gewesen?]
Where else?Wo denn sonst?
where there is / are ...wo es ... gibt
idiom where it's at [coll.]wo es langgeht [ugs.]
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