Dictionary English German: without

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without {prep} <w/o>
ohne [+Akk.] <o.>
without {adv} [archaic / literary] [outside]
without {prep}
sonder [selten, veraltend]
2 Words: Others
doing without {adj}entbehrend
from without {adv} [archaic or literary]von außen
gone without {past-p}entbehrt
sb. goes withoutjd. entbehrt
without ambiguity {adj} {adv}unmissverständlich
without ambiguity {adj} {adv}unzweideutig
without argument {adv}widerspruchslos
without authorization {adv}unbefugt
without authorization {adv}unberechtigterweise [unbefugt, ohne Genehmigung]
without authorization {adj} [postpos.]unbefugt
without authorization {adj} {adv} [postpos.]unerlaubt
without avail {adj} {adv}vergebens
without bag {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. vacuum cleaner]beutellos [z. B. Staubsauger]
law without bail {adv}ohne Möglichkeit, auf Kaution freizukommen
without beginning {adj} [postpos.]anfangslos
without bias {adj} {adv}unvoreingenommen
without blemish {adj} [postpos.]makellos
without blemish {adj} [postpos.]ohne Makel [nachgestellt]
without bloodshed {adv}unblutig
without bloodshed {adv}ohne Blutvergießen
without boasting {adv}ohne sich zu rühmen
without boundaries {adj} [postpos.]entgrenzt
tech. without brakes {adj} {adv} [postpos.]ungebremst
without bread {adj} {adv}brotlos
without bread {adv}ohne Brot
gastr. without breadcrumbs {adv} [e.g. schnitzel, fish fillet]natur [nachgestellt] [ohne Panade, z. B. Schnitzel, Fischfilet]
without breath {adj} [postpos.]atemlos
without care {adv}ohne Sorge
without cash {adj} [postpos.]bargeldlos
without cause {adv}anlasslos [ohne offensichtlichen Beweggrund]
without cause {adj} {adv}unbegründet
without cause {adv}ohne Anlass
without cause {adv}ohne Grund
without cause {adv}ohne triftigen Grund
without caveat {adv}ohne Vorbehalt
without cease {adj}ununterbrochen
without cease {adv}ohne Unterlass
without ceasing {adv}unaufhörlich
without ceasing {adv}ununterbrochen
without ceasing {adv}ohne Pause [unaufhörlich]
without ceasing {adv}ohne Unterlass
without ceremony {adv}ungezwungen
without ceremony {adv}ohne Umschweife
without ceremony {adv}ohne Umstände
without cessation {adv}ununterbrochen
without charge {adv}gratis
without charges {adj} {adv} [postpos.]kostenfrei
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