Dictionary English German: wide margin

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NOUN   a wide margin | wide margins
econ. wide-margin {adj}margenstark
wide marginbreiter Rand {m}
wide margingroße Spanne {f}
by a wide margin {adv}bei Weitem / weitem
by a wide margin {adv}mit großem Vorsprung [z. B. in Wahlen]
Partial Matches
fin. stocks margin loanMargin-Darlehen {n}
MedTech. wide-bore {adj} [attr.] [MRI / CT technology; scanner]Wide-Bore- [MR, CT]
sports wide receiver [American Football]Wide Receiver {m}
film F Eyes Wide Shut [Stanley Kubrick]Eyes Wide Shut
econ. fin. margin of safety <MS, MoS>Margin of Safety {f} <MS, MoS> [Sicherheitsmarge]
to marginbegrenzen
fin. marginEinschuss {m}
stocks marginEkart {m}
tools marginFührungsfase {f}
comm. marginGewinnmarge {f}
comm. marginHandelsspanne {f}
comm. marginMarge {f}
med. marginRandsaum {m}
stocks marginSicherheitsleistung {f}
marginSpanne {f}
pol. marginStimmenvorsprung {m}
pol. sports marginVorsprung {m}
fin. margin callMargin Call {m}
telecom. noise marginNoise-Margin {m}
margin [amount]Abstand {m}
margin [amount]Differenz {f}
margin [scope]Spielraum {m}
econ. high-margin {adj}margenstark
econ. higher-margin {adj}margenstärker
econ. additional marginNachzahlungsforderung {f}
dent. alveolar marginAlveolarrand {m}
amplitude marginAmplitudenrand {m}
anterior marginVorderrand {m}
arbitrage marginZinsgefälle {n}
print binding marginBundsteg {m}
dent. cavity marginKavitätenrand {m}
dent. cervical marginZervikalrand {m}
anat. ciliary marginCiliarrand {m}
comm. commercial marginHandelsspanne {f}
geol. continental marginKontinentalrand {m}
geogr. geol. continental marginKontinentalsaum {m}
contribution marginBruttogewinn {m}
contribution marginDeckungsbeitrag {m}
entom. costal marginCostalrand {m}
credit marginKreditgrenze {f}
geogr. geol. eastern marginOstrand {m}
effective marginEffektivspielraum {m}
error marginFehlerbereich {m}
error marginFehlergrenze {f}
error marginFehlermarge {f}
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