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 | white {adj} | 32767 weiß |  |
 | sb. knows | 119 jd. weiß |  |
 | blank {adj} | 35 weiß |  |
 | sb. wot [archaic] | 14 jd. weiß |  |
 | whitely {adv} | weiß |  |
 | blue-eyed {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [used indiscriminately by some groups to refer to Caucasians] | weiß [bes. von Schwarzen verwendeter Begriff für Menschen mit weißer Hautfarbe] |  |
Nouns |
 | white | 236 Weiß {n} |  |
 | herald. argent | Weiß {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | dazzling white {adj} | blendend weiß |  |
 | dazzlingly white {adj} | blendend weiß |  |
 | extremely white {adj} | extrem weiß |  |
 | all white {adj} | ganz weiß |  |
 | idiom white as a sheet {adj} | ganz weiß |  |
 | off-white {adj} | gebrochen weiß |  |
 | yellowish white {adj} [also: yellowish-white] | gelblich-weiß [auch: gelblichweiß, gelblich weiß] |  |
 | dazzlingly white {adj} | grell weiß |  |
 | I know. | Ich weiß. |  |
 | sb. whitens | jd. macht weiß |  |
 | sb. whited | jd. machte weiß |  |
 | sb. whitened | jd. machte weiß |  |
 | pearl white {adj} | perlmutt-weiß |  |
 | reddish-white {adj} | rötlich weiß |  |
 | off-white {adj} | schmutzig weiß |  |
 | black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w> | schwarz-weiß <sw, s/w> |  |
 | black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w, BW, B/W> | Schwarz-Weiß- <SW, S/W> |  |
 | black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W> | schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w> |  |
 | silvery-white {adj} | silbrig weiß |  |
 | pearly-white {adj} | strahlend weiß |  |
 | lettered in white {adj} [postpos.] | weiß beschriftet |  |
 | bot. white-flowered {adj} | weiß blühend |  |
 | art with white highlights {adj} [postpos.] [charcoal or pencil drawing] | weiß gehöht [Kohle- oder Bleistiftzeichnung] |  |
 | whitewashed {adj} {past-p} | weiß gekalkt |  |
 | cloth. dressed in white {adj} [postpos.] | weiß gekleidet |  |
 | whitewashed {adj} {past-p} | weiß getüncht |  |
 | off-white {adj} | weiß gewolkt |  |
 | incandescent {adj} | weiß glühend |  |
 | white hot {adj} | weiß glühend |  |
 | Gawd knows! [coll.] | Weiß Gott! |  |
 | God (only) knows! | Weiß Gott! |  |
 | Dunno. [sl.] [Don't know.] | Weiß nicht. |  |
 | Meh. [I don't know] [coll.] | Weiß nicht. |  |
 | Beats me. | Weiß nicht. |  |
 | albescent {adj} | weiß werdend |  |
 | games It's white's move. [chess] | Weiß zieht. [Schach] |  |
 | electr. white/blue {adj} [color code] | weiß-blau <ws/bl> [Farbcode] |  |
 | electr. white/yellow {adj} [color code] | weiß-gelb <ws/ge> [Farbcode] |  |
 | electr. white/grey {adj} [Br.] [color code] | weiß-grau <ws/gr> [Farbcode] |  |
 | electr. white/green {adj} [color code] | weiß-grün <ws/gn> [Farbcode] |  |
 | electr. white/pink {adj} [color code] | weiß-rosa <ws/rs> [Farbcode] |  |
 | electr. white/red {adj} [color code] | weiß-rot <ws/rt> [Farbcode] |  |