Dictionary English German: war paint

Translation 1 - 50 of 1621  >>

SYNO   make-up | makeup | war paint
SEE ALSO  warpaint
war paintKriegsbemalung {f}
film F War Paint [Lesley Selander]Im Tal des Verderbens
Keywords contained
to put on one's war paint [fig.]sich anmalen [ugs.] [stark schminken]
with all one's war paint on {adj} {adv} [idiom] [wearing excessive makeup]in voller Kriegsbemalung [ugs.] [Redewendung] [stark geschminkt]
Partial Matches
paintAnstrich {m}
paintFarbe {f} [Malerfarbe, Anstrichfarbe]
paintLackierung {f}
sports paintZone {f} [Basketball]
art constr. to paint sth.etw. ausmalen
paint-splattered {adj}mit Farbe bespritzt
paint-stained {adj}farbbekleckert
Wet paint!Frisch gestrichen!
Wet paint!Vorsicht, frisch gestrichen!
to apply paintFarbe auftragen
to dip-painttauchen [in Farbe]
to paint inausmalen
to paint indazumalen
to paint onaufmalen
to paint oneselfsich anmalen [ugs.] [schminken]
to paint overübermalen
to paint overüberpinseln [ugs.]
to remove paintFarbe abbeizen
to spray-paintspritzlackieren
to spread paintFarbe auftragen
to wet-paintnasslackieren
to word-paintüberschwänglich beschreiben
acrylic paintAcrylfarbe {f}
acrylic paintAcryllack {m}
aerosol paintSprühfarbe {f}
chem. constr. alkyd paintAlkydharzanstrichstoff {m}
constr. anticondensation paintkondensationsmindernder Anstrich {m}
tech. anticorrosive paintKorrosionsschutzfarbe {f}
auto paintAutolack {m}
automot. automotive paintAutolack {m}
med. bactericidal paintBakterizid {n} [Anstrich]
med. bactericidal paintbakterizider Anstrich {m}
chem. base paintBasisfarbe {f}
base paintFarbgrundlage {f}
constr. bituminous paintBitumenanstrich {m}
bituminous paintIsoliervorstrich {m}
bituminous paintSchwarzlack {m}
blackboard paintTafelfarbe {f}
blackboard paintWandtafelfarbe {f}
blended paintMischfarbe {f}
camouflage paintTarnanstrich {m}
camouflage paintTarnfarbe {f} [Material]
car paintAutofarbe {f} [Farbmittel]
car paintAutolack {m}
ceiling paintDeckenfarbe {f}
constr. cement paintBetonfarbe {f}
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