Dictionary English German: volley

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NOUN   a volley | volleys
VERB  to volley | volleyed | volleyed ... 
SYNO   burst | fusillade | salvo | volley
NOUN   der Volley | die Volleys
mil. to volleyeine Salve abfeuern
sports to volleyeinen Volley schlagen
mil. to volley(in einer Salve) abgefeuert werden
Salve {f}
volley [e.g. of bullets, arrows, stones, bombs]
Hagel {m} [z. B. an Kugeln, Pfeilen, Steinen, Bomben]
sports volley [football]
Direktabnahme {f}
volley [fig.] [of applause]
Sturm {m} [Applaus-]
volley [fig.]
Flut {f} [fig.]
Gewehrsalve {f}
sports volley [football]
Volleyschuss {m}
sports volleyVolley {m}
sports volley [tennis stroke]Flugball {m} [Tennis-Schlag]
sports volley [tennis]Netzangriff {m} [Tennis]
2 Words: Nouns
sports backhand volley [tennis]Rückhandflugball {m} [Tennis] [auch: Rückhand-Flugball]
sports backhand volley [tennis]Rückhandvolley {m} [Tennis]
sports beach volley [coll.]Beachvolleyball {m}
sports drop-volley [also: drop volley] [tennis]Flugball-Stop {m} [Tennis]
sports forehand volley [tennis]Vorhandflugball {m} [Tennis] [auch: Vorhand-Flugball]
sports forehand volley [tennis]Vorhandvolley {m} [Tennis]
sports half-volley [e.g. tennis]Halbvolley {m} [z. B. Tennis]
sports volley ballFlugball {m}
sports volley ballsFlugbälle {pl}
mil. volley bombingReihenwurf {m}
mil. volley fire [antiaircraft artillery]Gruppenschießen {n}
mil. volley fire [artillery]Gruppenfeuer {n}
mil. volley fire [rifles]Salvenfeuer {n}
hist. weapons volley gunSalvengeschütz {n}
3 Words: Verbs
mil. to fire a volleyeine Salve abfeuern
3 Words: Nouns
sports back-heel volley [football / soccer]Hackenvolley {m} [auch: Hacken-Volley]
sports backhand stop volley [also: backhand stop-volley] [tennis]Rückhand-Flugball-Stopp {m} [Tennis]
sports forehand stop volley [also: forehand stop-volley] [tennis]Vorhand-Flugball-Stopp {m} [Tennis]
volley of applauseWoge {f} des Beifalls
volley of expletivesSalve {f} von Kraftausdrücken
volley of gunfireGewehrsalve {f}
volley of oathsFlut {f} von Verwünschungen
volley of oathsSchwall {m} von Flüchen
volley of wordsWortschwall {m}
4 Words: Nouns
a volley of wordseine Flut {f} von Worten
sports back-heel volley goal [football / soccer]Hackenvolleytor {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
sports to volley the ball into the net [football]den Ball per Direktabnahme ins Tor befördern
5+ Words: Nouns
sports serve and volley (style of play) [tennis]Serve-and-Volley-Spiel {n} [Tennis]
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