Dictionary English German: viele

Translation 1 - 50 of 213  >>

ADJ1  viel | mehr | am meisten ... 
ADJ2   viele | mehr | am meisten
SYNO   allerlei | viele | vielerlei ... 
many {adj}
plenty {adj}
various {adj}
umpteen {adj} [coll.]
lotsa {adj} [sl.] [lots of] [Am.]
beaucoup {adj} [Am.] [sl.]viele
hosts of {adj}viele
lots of {adj} [coll.]viele
scores of sth.viele
a good many {adj}viele
a host of {adj}viele
a great number of {adj}viele
quite a number of {adj}viele
a lotta [sl.] [lots of]viele [eine Menge]
2 Words: Others
math. countably many {adj}abzählbar viele
any numberbeliebig viele
just as manyebenso viele
quite a lotganz viele
just as many {adj}genauso viele
quite a fewreichlich viele
a great many {pron} {adj}sehr viele
as manyso viele
so manyso viele
so and so many [coll.]soundso viele [ugs.]
a good many others {pron}viele andere
plenty of times {adv}viele Male
a lot of times {adv}viele Male
as manywie viele
how manywie viele
a good few {adv} [Br.] [coll.]ziemlich viele
quite a fewziemlich viele
2 Words: Nouns
a lot of thingsviele Angelegenheiten {pl}
a large number {sg} of visitors [often treated as pl.]viele Besucher {pl}
a great number {sg} of books [treated as pl.]viele Bücher {pl}
a lot of thingsviele Dinge {pl}
a great number {sg} of things [often treated as pl.]viele Dinge {pl}
a lot of ideasviele Einfälle {pl}
a mass of errorsviele Fehler {pl}
a great many festivitiesviele Festlichkeiten {pl}
a lot of friendsviele Freunde {pl}
many regionsviele Gebiete {pl}
numerous favours [Br.]viele Gefälligkeiten {pl}
a lot of apparatusviele Geräte {pl}
a lot of rumours [Br.]viele Gerüchte {pl}
a large number {sg} of resignationsviele Kündigungen {pl}
many peopleviele Leute {pl}
lots of people [coll.]viele Leute {pl}
plenty of peopleviele Leute {pl}
scores of peopleviele Leute {pl}
a lot of peopleviele Leute {pl}
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