Dictionary English German: vegetable

Translation 1 - 50 of 182  >>

English German
NOUN   a vegetable | vegetables
SYNO   veg | vegetable | veggie
vegetable {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fats, matter, oil, protein]
pflanzlich [z. B. Fette, Material, Öl, Eiweiß]
agr. gastr. hort. vegetable {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, consumption, cultivation, dish, soup]
Gemüse- [z. B. Beet, Verzehr, Anbau, Gericht, Suppe]
vegetable {adj} [attr.] [e.g. butter, dye, fibre, oil, soap, waste]
Pflanzen- [z. B. Butter, Farbe, Faser, Öl, Seife, Abfall]
agr. gastr. vegetable
Gemüse {n} [eine Sorte]
bot. vegetable
Pflanze {f}
med. vegetable [comatose man] [pej.]
Dahinvegetierender {m}
med. vegetable [comatose woman] [pej.]Dahinvegetierende {f}
2 Words: Others
vegetable black {adj}rebschwarz
2 Words: Nouns
bot. gastr. cruciferous vegetableKreuzblütler {m}
fall vegetable [Am.]Herbstgemüse {n}
gastr. favorite vegetable [Am.]Lieblingsgemüse {n}
gastr. favourite vegetable [Br.]Lieblingsgemüse {n}
FoodInd. fresh vegetableFrischgemüse {n} [eine Sorte]
gastr. leguminous vegetable [type of fruit vegetable]Hülsenfrucht {f} [Fruchttyp]
agr. comm. FoodInd. organic vegetableBio-Gemüse {n} [eine Sorte]
bot. gastr. root vegetableWurzelgemüse {n} [eine Sorte]
FoodInd. gastr. seasonal vegetableSaisongemüse {n} [eine Gemüseart]
agr. bot. vegetable (crop)Gemüsepflanze {f}
chem. vegetable acidPflanzensäure {f}
hort. vegetable bedGemüsebeet {n}
FoodInd. vegetable black [E-153]Pflanzenkohle {f}
gastr. vegetable bouillonGemüsebouillon {f}
vegetable boxGemüsekiste {f}
gastr. vegetable brothGemüsebouillon {f}
gastr. vegetable brothGemüsebrühe {f}
gastr. vegetable brushGemüsebürste {f}
gastr. vegetable butterPflanzenbutter {f}
FoodInd. vegetable carbon [E-153]Pflanzenkohle {f}
vegetable cartGemüsekarren {m}
vegetable cartGemüsewagen {m}
gastr. vegetable casseroleSchmorgemüse {n}
bot. vegetable cellPflanzenzelle {f}
gastr. vegetable consumptionGemüsekonsum {m}
gastr. vegetable consumptionGemüseverzehr {m}
agr. vegetable cultivationGemüseanbau {m}
gastr. vegetable curryGemüsecurry {m} {n}
gastr. vegetable dauphinoise [Br.] [also: vegetable dauphinois]Gemüseauflauf {m}
vegetable dietPflanzenkost {f}
FoodInd. gastr. vegetable dietvegetarische Kost {f}
gastr. vegetable dishGemüsegericht {n}
gastr. vegetable dish [bowl]Gemüseschüssel {f}
gastr. vegetable dishesGemüsegerichte {pl}
gastr. vegetable dishesGemüsespeisen {pl}
vegetable drawerGemüsefach {n}
vegetable dyePflanzenfarbe {f}
agr. vegetable farmGemüsehof {m}
agr. jobs vegetable farmerGemüsebauer {m}
agr. jobs vegetable farmer [female]Gemüsebäuerin {f}
agr. jobs vegetable farmersGemüsebauern {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. vegetable fatPflanzenfett {n}
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