Dictionary English German: variable star

Translation 1 - 50 of 1277  >>

SYNO   variable | variable star
astron. variable starvariabler Stern {m}
astron. variable starveränderlicher Stern {m}
Keywords contained
astron. Delta Scuti variable (star)Delta-Scuti-Stern {m}
zool. T
Partial Matches
four-star {adj} [attr.] <4-star>Vier-Sterne- [auch: Viersterne-] <4-Sterne->
astron. extreme helium star <EHe star>extremer Heliumstern {m} <EHe-Stern>
astron. mercury-manganese star <HgMn star>Quecksilber-Mangan-Stern {m} <HgMn-Stern>
astron. Wolf-Rayet star <WR star>Wolf-Rayet-Stern {m} <WR-Stern>
five-star rating system <5-star rating system>Fünf-Sterne-Bewertungssystem {n} <5-Sterne-Bewertungssystem>
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
comp. star-star networkStern-Stern-Netz {n}
sports five-star stadium <5-star stadium>Fünfsternestadion {n} <5-Sterne-Stadion>
mil. four-star general <4-star general>Vier-Sterne-General {m} <4-Sterne-General>
mil. one-star general <1-star general>Ein-Stern-General {m} <1-Stern-General>
mil. three-star general <3-star general>Drei-Sterne-General {m} <3-Sterne-General>
mil. two-star general <2-star general>Zwei-Sterne-General {m} <2-Sterne-General>
zool. T
bot. T
astron. Lambda Bootis star [also: Lambda Boötis star, lambda Bootis star, lambda Boötis star] Boo star>Lambda-Bootis-Stern {m}
variable {adj}abänderbar
variable {adj}abänderlich [veraltet]
variable {adj}änderbar
variable {adj}regelbar
variable {adj}schwankend
variable {adj}unbeständig
variable {adj}unterschiedlich
variable {adj}variabel
variable {adj}variierbar
variable {adj}veränderlich
variable {adj}verstellbar
variable {adj}wandelbar
variable {adj}wechselhaft
variable {adj}wechselnd
variableGröße {f}
variablePlatzhalter {m}
variableRegelgröße {f}
variableUnbekannte {f} [fig.]
comp. math. variableVariable {f}
variableVeränderliche {f}
variableveränderliche Größe {f}
continuously variable {adj}mit stufenloser Regelung [nachgestellt]
continuously variable {adj}stufenlos regelbar
tech. electronically variable {adj}elektronisch einstellbar
biochem. gram-variable {adj}gramvariabel
highly variable {adj}sehr beweglich
tech. infinitely variable {adj}stetig verstellbar
infinitely variable {adj}stufenlos
electr. infinitely variable {adj}stufenlos einstellbar
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