Dictionary English German: v

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NOUN   a V | Vs
SYNO   V | v | volt | 5 | five ... 
SYNO   [Symbol] | Vanadium
versus {prep} <v, v., vs, vs.>
gegen <geg.> [+Akk.]
med. intravenous {adj}
intravenös <i. v.>
med. intravenously {adv}
intravenös <i. v.>
mil. fit for active service {adj} [postpos.]kriegsverwendungsfähig <k.v.>
vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.>umgekehrt <v. v.>
in the morning {adv} <a.m.>vormittags <vorm., vm., v.>
commonly called {adv}vulgo <v/o> [gemeinhin genannt]
electr. unit volt <V>
Volt {n} <V>
bibl. relig. verse <v.>
Vers {m} <V.>
lit. line <l.>
Vers {m} <V.>
chem. vanadium <V>
Vanadium {n} <V>
ling. print v [letter]
v {n} [Buchstabe]
games Hierophant <V> [also: hierophant] [Pope] [Tarot card]
Hierophant {m} <V> [Papst] [Tarotkarte]
biochem. valine <Val, V> [C5H11NO2]
Valin {n} <Val, V>
ling. phonet. turned "v" <ʌ>[auf dem Kopf stehendes "v"] <ʌ>
a V of sth. [e.g. ducks][eine V-förmige Formation von etw., z. B. Vögel]
hist. mil. Victory-Mail letter <V-Mail letter> [Am.] [WW II][US Feldpostbrief während des 2. WK]
constr. material V-funnel testAuslauftrichterversuch {m}
med. v-shaped fractureFlötenschnabelbruch {m}
med. yellow fever vaccination <YFV, Y.F.V.>Gelbfieberimpfung {f}
med. ventricular fibrillation <V-fib, VF>Herzkammerflimmern {n} <HF, HKF>
MedTech. I.V. poleInfusionsbaum {m}
MedTech. I.V. poleInfusionsständer {m}
MedTech. intravenous pole <IV pole, I.V. pole>Infusionsständer {m}
med. ventricular tachycardia <VT, V-tach>Kammertachykardie {f} <KT>
V-formationKeilform {f}
mil. orn. flying VKeilformation {f}
V-formationsKeilformen {pl}
tech. V-beltKeilriemen {m}
electr. tech. V-belt driveKeilriemenantrieb {m}
tech. V-belt pulleyKeilriemenscheibe {f}
V-belt pulleysKeilriemenscheiben {pl}
V-belt tensionerKeilriemenspanner {m}
tech. V-grooveKeilrille {f}
V-rib beltKeilrippenriemen {m}
tech. V-ribbed beltKeilrippenriemen {m}
tech. V-pulleyKeilscheibe {f} [ugs.] [Keilriemenscheibe]
tech. Charpy v-notch testKerbschlagbiegeversuch {m} [Charpytest]
geogr. V-shaped valleyKerbtal {n}
geogr. V-shaped valleysKerbtäler {pl}
magnetic V-blockMagnetprisma {n}
med. pharm. vaginal ring <V-ring>Monatsring {m} [Vaginalring]
libr. manuscript on vellum <M.o.v.>Pergamenthandschrift {f}
constr. Portland fly ash cement <PFAC>Portlandflugaschezement {m} <CEM II/A-V>
tech. V-blockPrisma {n} [Auflageprisma, Prismenblock]
V-shaped milling cutterPrismenfräser {m}
tech. narrow V-beltSchmalkeilriemen {m}
archi. V-roofSchmetterlingsdach {n}
MedTech. safety intravenous cannula <safety I.V. cannula, safety IV cannula>Sicherheitsinjektionskanüle {f}
archaeo. V-shaped ditchSpitzgraben {m}
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