Dictionary English German: ups

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VERB  to up | upped | upped
upping | ups
Oops! [coll.]
Ups! [ugs.]
Whoops! [coll.]
Ups! [ugs.]
Höhen {pl}
Wert {m}
2 Words: Others
transp. by UPS {adv}mit UPS
2 Words: Nouns
med. check-upsNachuntersuchungen {pl}
sports chin-upsKlimmzüge {pl}
photo. close-upsDetailstudien {pl}
dole-ups [sl.] [roll-up cigarettes]Selbstgedrehte {pl} [Zigaretten]
grown-upsErwachsene {pl}
cloth. hold-upshalterlose Strümpfe {pl}
cloth. lace-ups [boots]Schnürstiefel {pl}
cloth. lace-ups [shoes]Schnürschuhe {pl}
Internet pop-upsWerbeeinblendungen {pl}
comp. Internet pop-upsPop-ups {pl}
sports press-ups [Br.]Liegestütze {pl}
sports push-ups [Am.]Liegestütze {pl}
sports sit-upsRumpfbeugen {pl}
sports sit-upsSit-ups {pl}
econ. start-upsUnternehmensgründungen {pl} [Neugründungen, Jungunternehmen]
cloth. stay-upsStay-ups {pl} [halterlose Feinstrümpfe]
cloth. stick-ups [Br.] [Eton]Stehkragen {m} [von Abiturienten]
tip-ups [tip-up seats]Klappsitze {pl}
mus. warm-upsEinsingübungen {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
sports to do press-ups [Br.]pumpen [ugs.] [Liegestütze machen]
sports to do press-ups [Br.]Liegestütze machen
sports to do push-ups [Am.]pumpen [ugs.] [Liegestütze machen]
sports to do push-ups [Am.]Liegestütze machen
3 Words: Nouns
dent. mandibular protrusion splint <MPS>Unterkieferprotrusionsschiene {f} <UPS, UKPS>
paint touch-upsMalerausbesserungsarbeiten {pl}
tech. test set-upsPrüfaufbauten {pl}
biochem. biol. ubiquitin proteasome system <UPS>Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System {n} <UPS>
phys. ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy <UPS>Ultraviolett-Photoelektronenspektroskopie {f} <UPS>
med. undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma <UPS>pleomorphes undifferenziertes Sarkom {n} <PUS>
electr. uninterrupted power supply <UPS>unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung {f} <USV>
electr. uninterruptible power source <UPS>unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung {f} <USV>
electr. uninterruptible power supply <UPS>unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung {f} <USV>
United Parcel Service <UPS>[Paketdienst]
ups and downsSchwankungen {pl}
ups and downsHöhen und Tiefen
4 Words: Nouns
children and grown-upsKinder {pl} und Erwachsene
danger of mix-upsVerwechslungsgefahr {f}
med. hormonal ups and downs [coll.]Hormonschwankungen {pl}
sports single-arm press-ups [Br.]einarmige Liegestütze {pl}
sports single-arm push-ups [Am.]einarmige Liegestütze {pl}
5+ Words: Others
despite all the ups and downs {adv}trotz aller Holprigkeit
She has her ups and downs.Ihr geht es durchwachsen. [ugs.]
5+ Words: Nouns
the ups and downs of lifedie Wechselfälle {pl} des Lebens [Redewendung]
ups and downs in the marketHöhen und Tiefen des Marktes
world of the grown-upsErwachsenenwelt {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Grown Ups [Dennis Dugan]Kindsköpfe
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