Dictionary English → German: unprofitable | Translation 1 - 19 of 19 |
English | German | ||||||||
| ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 400 unrentabel | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 314 unnütz | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 51 unprofitabel | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 37 brotlos [fig.] | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 10 zwecklos | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 6 ertraglos | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | 6 unvorteilhaft | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | gewinnlos | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | nicht gewinnbringend | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | ohne Profit [nachgestellt] | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | wenig einträglich [unrentabel] | ||||||||
unprofitable {adj} | keinen Gewinn bringend | ||||||||
2 Words | |||||||||
more unprofitable {adj} | unrentabler | ||||||||
most unprofitable {adj} | unrentabelste | ||||||||
to be unprofitable | unrentabel sein | ||||||||
idiom unprofitable arts | brotlose Künste {pl} | ||||||||
unprofitable enterprise | unrentables Unternehmen {n} | ||||||||
fin. unprofitable investment | unrentable Geldanlage {f} | ||||||||
unprofitable prices | unrentable Preise {pl} |
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