Dictionary English German: twin striped

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zool. T
zool. T
entom. T
entom. T
zool. T
Partial Matches
med. twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome <TTTS>fetofetales Transfusionssyndrom {n} <FFTS>
tech. twin-channel {adj} [attr.]Twin-Kanal-
film F Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me [David Lynch]Twin PeaksDer Film
audio twin microphoneTwin-Mikrofon {n}
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
twin {adj}doppelt
twin {adj}paarig
twin {adj}Zwillings-
twinZwilling {m}
tech. twin-cylinder {adj}zweizylindrig
twin-engined {adj}zweimotorig
twin-towered {adj}zweitürmig
co-twinMitzwilling {m}
co-twinZwillingspartner {m}
name twinNamensvetter {m}
math. prime twinPrimzahlzwilling {m}
astron. solar twinSonnenzwilling {m}
archi. twin archZwillingsbogen {m}
twin attackDoppelanschlag {m}
twin attacks {pl}Doppelanschlag {m}
automot. tech. twin axleDoppelachse {f}
twin babiesZwillingsbabys {pl}
twin beadDoppelkernwulst {f}
twin birthZwillingsgeburt {f}
material twin boundaryZwillingsgrenze {f}
twin bridgesZwillingsbrücken {pl}
twin brotherZwillingsbruder {m}
twin brothersZwillingsbrüder {pl}
naut. twin cabinDoppelkammer {f}
electr. twin cableZwillingskabel {n}
twin citiesZwillingsstädte {pl}
geogr. twin cityZwillingsstadt {f}
geol. twin craterZwillingskrater {m}
twin daughtersZwillingstöchter {pl}
twin driveDoppellaufwerk {n}
med. twin embryoZwillingsembryo {m}
twin fitmentZwillingsbereifung {f}
esot. myth. twin flameZwillingsflamme {f}
twin functionDoppelfunktion {f}
twin fuselageDoppelrumpf {m}
astron. twin galaxiesZwillingsgalaxien {pl}
twin girlsZwillingsmädchen {pl}
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