Dictionary English German: tuck

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NOUN   a tuck | tucks
VERB  to tuck | tucked | tucked ... 
SYNO   to insert | to tuck | rapier | tuck ... 
to tuck [put]
to tuck
to tuck
textil. to tuck sth. [a hem]
etw.Akk. umlegen [einen Saum]
to tuck
textil. to tuck sth. [put tucks in]Biesen in etw.Akk. nähen
textil. tuck
Abnäher {m}
cloth. tuck
Bundfalte {f}
FoodInd. tuck {sg} [coll.]
Süßigkeiten {pl}
textil. tuck [for decoration]
Biese {f}
textil. tuck [seam]Saum {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to tuck (up) [legs, thighs, knees etc.]anziehen [Beine, Oberschenkel, Knie usw.]
sports to tuck (up) [legs]anhocken [Beine]
to tuck away sth.etw. verstecken
to tuck in [Br.] [coll.] [eat]zuschlagen [ugs.] [essen]
to tuck in [coll.]spachteln [ugs.] [reichlich essen]
gastr. to tuck in [coll.]fest zulangen [ugs.] [beim Essen]
to tuck in [coll.] [eat]reinhauen [ugs.] [essen]
to tuck into sth. [coll.] [to eat heartily]sichDat. etw. schmecken lassen [viel essen, sich reichlich nehmen]
to tuck sb. in [coll.]jdn. ins Bett bringen
to tuck sb. up [Br.] [coll.] [to swindle, cheat]jdn. übers Ohr hauen [ugs.]
to tuck sth. into sth. [clothes]etw. in etw.Akk. hineinstopfen [Kleidung]
to tuck upzurückstreifen
2 Words: Nouns
sports tuck jumpHocksprung {m}
sports tuck position [e.g. in diving, downhill racing]Hocke {f} [Körperhaltung z.B. bei der Skiabfahrt]
tuck shop [Br.]Imbiss {m}
cosmet. med. tummy tuck [coll.]Bauchdeckenstraffung {f}
cosmet. med. tummy tuck [coll.]Bauchstraffung {f}
med. tummy tuck [coll.]Straffung {f} der Bauchdecke
3 Words: Others
nip and tuck {adv}gleichauf
3 Words: Verbs
to tuck in / up sb.jdn. (warm) zudecken
to tuck oneself upsich zudecken
to tuck sb. into bedjdn. ins Bett stecken [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (school) tuck shop [Br.] [Aus.]Schulbuffet {n} [österr.]
gastr. (school) tuck shop [Br.] [Aus.]Schulkiosk {m}
nip and tuck [coll.]Schönheitsoperation {f}
cloth. tuck-in blouseEinsteckbluse {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to be nip and tuck [in race, etc.]Kopf an Kopf liegen
to tuck in one's chindas Kinn anziehen
to tuck one's arm into sb.'ssich bei jdm. einhaken
to tuck one's arm into sb.'ssich bei jdm. einhängen
cloth. to tuck one's shirt indas Hemd in die Hose stecken
cloth. to tuck one's shirt indas Hemd in die Hose stopfen [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
tuck-in flap boxStecklaschen-Schachtel {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom It was nip and tuck as they came up to the finishing line.Sie lagen vor dem Ziel praktisch auf gleicher Höhe.
It was nip and tuck. [idiom]Das war eine knappe Sache. [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Verbs
to tuck / pull up one's skirtseinen Rock hochnehmen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Nip/TuckNip/TuckSchönheit hat ihren Preis
film F Tuck Everlasting [Jay Russell]Bis in alle Ewigkeit
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