| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | despite {prep} | 11133 trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | notwithstanding {prep} [often postpos.] | 427 trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | for {prep} [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of] | 111 trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.] |  |
 | mauger {prep} [archaic] [spv.] | 17 trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | for all {prep} | trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | in contempt of {prep} | trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | in defiance of {prep} | trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | in spite of {prep} | trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | in the teeth of {prep} [fig.] [despite] | trotz [+Gen.] |  |
 | in the face of sth. {prep} [despite something] | trotz etw. [Dat., auch Gen.] |  |
Nouns |
 | defiance | 2891 Trotz {m} |  |
 | despite [obs.] | 623 Trotz {m} |  |
 | defiantness | 28 Trotz {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | in defiance | im Trotz |  |
 | in defiance of sb./sth. {adv} | jdm./etw. zum Trotz |  |
 | nonetheless {adv} | trotz alledem |  |
 | despite everything {adv} | trotz alledem |  |
 | despite all that {adv} | trotz alledem |  |
 | but for all that | trotz alledem |  |
 | in spite of all that {adv} | trotz alledem |  |
 | For all that, ... | Trotz alledem ... |  |
 | whatever | trotz allem |  |
 | despite everything {adv} | trotz allem |  |
 | all the same {adv} | trotz allem |  |
 | for all that {adv} | trotz allem |  |
 | in spite of everything | trotz allem |  |
 | in spite of it all {adv} | trotz allem |  |
 | despite being blind {adv} | trotz Blindheit |  |
 | despite that {adv} | trotz dessen |  |
 | despite setbacks {adv} | trotz Rückschlägen |  |
 | in spite of a / the warning {adv} | trotz Warnung |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to face sb./sth. [defy] | jdm./etw. Trotz bieten |  |
 | to beard | Trotz bieten |  |
 | to breast | Trotz bieten |  |
 | to defy | Trotz bieten |  |
 | to bid defiance | Trotz bieten |  |
 | to sleep through sth. [e.g. through the racket] | trotz etw.Gen. weiterschlafen [z. B. trotz des Lärms] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | [nonetheless, nevertheless] {adv} | nicht desto trotz [FALSCH für: nichtsdestotrotz] |  |
 | idiom none the worse for wear {adv} | trotz allem unbeschadet [dennoch in guter Verfassung] |  |
 | despite all the care taken {adv} | trotz aller Bemühungen |  |
 | despite all the ups and downs {adv} | trotz aller Holprigkeit |  |
 | in spite of every effort {adv} | trotz aller Mühe |  |
 | in the face of adversity {adv} | trotz aller Widrigkeiten |  |
 | despite these problems {adv} | trotz dieser Probleme |  |
 | despite protestations to the contrary {adv} | trotz gegenteiliger Beteuerungen |  |
 | despite assurances to the contrary {adv} | trotz gegenteiliger Versprechungen |  |
 | despite our greatest efforts {adv} | trotz größter Bemühungen |  |
 | notwithstanding the many considerations | trotz mannigfacher Bedenken |  |
 | although constantly expanding ... | trotz ständiger Neuerschließungen ... |  |
 | In spite of our precautions ... | Trotz unserer Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ... |  |