Dictionary English German: trotz

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NOUN   der Trotz | -
SYNO   Trotz | Unlust | Widerwille | dennoch ... 
despite {prep}
trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
notwithstanding {prep} [often postpos.]
trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
for {prep} [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of]
trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.]
mauger {prep} [archaic] [spv.]
trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
for all {prep}trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
in contempt of {prep}trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
in defiance of {prep}trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
in spite of {prep}trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
in the teeth of {prep} [fig.] [despite]trotz [+Gen.]
in the face of sth. {prep} [despite something]trotz etw. [Dat., auch Gen.]
Trotz {m}
despite [obs.]
Trotz {m}
Trotz {m}
2 Words: Others
in defianceim Trotz
in defiance of sb./sth. {adv}jdm./etw. zum Trotz
nonetheless {adv}trotz alledem
despite everything {adv}trotz alledem
despite all that {adv}trotz alledem
but for all thattrotz alledem
in spite of all that {adv}trotz alledem
For all that, ...Trotz alledem ...
whatevertrotz allem
despite everything {adv}trotz allem
all the same {adv}trotz allem
for all that {adv}trotz allem
in spite of everythingtrotz allem
in spite of it all {adv}trotz allem
despite being blind {adv}trotz Blindheit
despite that {adv}trotz dessen
despite setbacks {adv}trotz Rückschlägen
in spite of a / the warning {adv}trotz Warnung
2 Words: Verbs
to face sb./sth. [defy]jdm./etw. Trotz bieten
to beardTrotz bieten
to breastTrotz bieten
to defyTrotz bieten
to bid defianceTrotz bieten
to sleep through sth. [e.g. through the racket]trotz etw.Gen. weiterschlafen [z. B. trotz des Lärms]
3 Words: Others
[nonetheless, nevertheless] {adv} nicht desto trotz [FALSCH für: nichtsdestotrotz]
idiom none the worse for wear {adv}trotz allem unbeschadet [dennoch in guter Verfassung]
despite all the care taken {adv}trotz aller Bemühungen
despite all the ups and downs {adv}trotz aller Holprigkeit
in spite of every effort {adv}trotz aller Mühe
in the face of adversity {adv}trotz aller Widrigkeiten
despite these problems {adv}trotz dieser Probleme
despite protestations to the contrary {adv}trotz gegenteiliger Beteuerungen
despite assurances to the contrary {adv}trotz gegenteiliger Versprechungen
despite our greatest efforts {adv}trotz größter Bemühungen
notwithstanding the many considerationstrotz mannigfacher Bedenken
although constantly expanding ...trotz ständiger Neuerschließungen ...
In spite of our precautions ...Trotz unserer Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ...
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