Dictionary English German: totale

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

ADJ  total | totaler [ugs.] | am totalsten [ugs.]
totaler | totale | totales
totalster [ugs.] | totalste [ugs.] | totalstes [ugs.]
NOUN   die Totale | die Totalen
film photo. tech. distance shotTotale {f}
film RadioTV long shot <LS> [wide shot]Totale {f}
film photo. tech. total viewTotale {f}
film photo. tech. vista shotTotale {f}
film photo. RadioTV wide shotTotale {f}
2 Words: Nouns
med. amaurosis(totale) Blindheit {f} [Erblindung]
math. total derivativetotale Ableitung {f}
econ. total factor productivity <TFP>totale Faktorproduktivität {f} <TFP>
econ. total-factor productivity <TFP>totale Faktorproduktivität {f} <TFP>
med. optics acritochromacytotale Farbenblindheit {f}
med. optics achromatic visiontotale Farbenblindheit {f}
med. optics complete achromatopsy [rare]totale Farbenblindheit {f}
med. optics total color blindness [Am.]totale Farbenblindheit {f}
astron. total eclipsetotale Finsternis {f}
biol. total cleavagetotale Furchung {f}
med. total glossectomytotale Glossektomie {f}
med. total hip arthroplasty <THA>totale Hüftendoprothetik {f} <THE, THEP>
med. total colectomytotale Kolektomie {f}
med. total lung capacitytotale Lungenkapazität {f}
med. total anomalous pulmonary venous connection <TAPVC>totale Lungenvenenfehleinmündung {f}
med. total anomalous pulmonary venous connection <TAPVC>totale Lungenvenenfehlmündung {f}
astron. total lunar eclipsetotale Mondfinsternis {f}
(total) shellacking [Am.] [coll.] [defeat]totale Niederlage {f}
(total) dead loss [coll.]totale Niete {f} [ugs.]
math. total ordertotale Ordnung {f}
med. total proctocolectomytotale Proktokolektomie {f}
math. total preordertotale Quasiordnung {f}
astron. full solar eclipsetotale Sonnenfinsternis {f}
astron. total solar eclipsetotale Sonnenfinsternis {f}
total solids <SS>totale Trockensubstanz {f}
med. total uterus exstirpationtotale Uterusexstirpation {f}
sea change [fig.]totale Veränderung {f}
math. total probabilitytotale Wahrscheinlichkeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
the real kicker [Am.] [sl.]die totale Krönung {f} [ugs.]
biochem. total antioxidant capacity <TAC>totale antioxidative Kapazität {f} <TAK>
med. total intravenous anaesthesia <TIVA> [Br.]totale intravenöse Anästhesie {f} <TIVA>
med. total intravenous anesthesia <TIVA> [Am.]totale intravenöse Anästhesie {f} <TIVA>
med. total parenteral nutrition <TPN>totale parenterale Ernährung {f}
hydro. total suspended solids <TSS, TSSs>totale suspendierte Stoffe {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
med. onychomadesis(totale) Ablösung {f} der Nagelplatte
burn-out turnaroundtotale Neukonstruktierung {f} bei Problemen
5+ Words: Others
idiom I'm stone broke. [coll.]In meiner Kasse ist totale Ebbe. [ugs.]
She's a total cunt. [vulg.] [pej.] [Am.] [Can.]Sie ist eine totale Fotze. [vulg.] [pej.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Merovingians or The Total FamilyDie Merowinger oder Die totale Familie [Heimito von Doderer]
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