Dictionary English German: tomato

Translation 1 - 50 of 230  >>

English German
NOUN   a tomato | tomatoes
SYNO   Lycopersicon esculentum | love apple ... 
gastr. tomato {adj} [attr.]
gastr. tomato
Tomate {f}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
Tomate {f}
2 Words: Others
tomato-colored {adj} [Am.]tomatenrot
tomato-coloured {adj} [Br.]tomatenrot
FoodInd. tomato-flavored {adj} [Am.]mit Tomatengeschmack [nachgestellt]
FoodInd. tomato-flavoured {adj} [Br.]mit Tomatengeschmack [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (tomato) ketchupTomatenketchup {m} {n}
gastr. braised tomatoSchmortomate {f}
bot. bush tomatoBuschtomate {f}
bot. cherry tomatoCherrytomate {f}
bot. cherry tomatoKirschtomate {f}
bot. cocktail tomatoCocktailtomate {f}
bot. cooking tomatoKochtomate {f}
gastr. favorite tomato [Am.]Lieblingstomate {f}
gastr. favourite tomato [Br.]Lieblingstomate {f}
biotech. FoodInd. GM tomatoGentomate {f}
biotech. FoodInd. GM tomatoGen-Tomate {f}
bot. hort. grape tomatoTraubentomate {f}
bot. hort. grapefruit tomatoGrapefruit-Tomate {f} [Grapefruittomate]
bot. ketchup tomatoKetchuptomate {f}
bot. gastr. hort. oxheart tomatoOchsenherztomate {f}
bot. pear tomatoBirnentomate {f}
gastr. peeled tomatoSchältomate {f}
gastr. pineapple tomatoAnanastomate {f}
bot. plum tomatoEiertomate {f}
bot. plum tomatoFlaschentomate {f}
gastr. hort. plum tomatoPflaumentomate {f}
FoodInd. gastr. processing tomatoIndustrietomate {f}
bot. gastr. Roma (tomato)Roma-Tomate {f} [auch: Romatomate]
gastr. salad tomatoSalattomate {f}
bot. stake tomatoStabtomate {f}
gastr. stuffed tomatogefüllte Tomate {f}
gastr. tomato aspicTomatenaspik {m}
gastr. tomato butterTomatenbutter {f}
gastr. tomato concasseTomatenconcassée {n}
gastr. tomato concasseTomatenschmelze {f} [Tomatenconcassée]
gastr. tomato concasseTomaten-Concassée {n}
gastr. tomato concasse {sg}geschmolzene Tomaten {pl} [Tomatenconcassée]
gastr. tomato concentrateTomatenkonzentrat {n}
gastr. tomato condimentTomatengewürz {n}
gastr. tomato condimentTomatenwürze {f}
gastr. tomato consomméTomatenconsommé {f} [klare Tomatensuppe]
gastr. tomato cubeTomatenwürfel {m}
gastr. tomato cubesTomatenwürfel {pl}
tomato cultivationTomatenanbau {m}
tomato cultivationTomatenkultur {f}
tomato cultivationTomatenzucht {f}
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