Dictionary English German: tolerance

Translation 1 - 50 of 165  >>

English German
NOUN1   a tolerance | tolerances
NOUN2   tolerance [forbearance] | -
SYNO   permissiveness | tolerance | allowance ... 
Toleranz {f}
Duldung {f}
Verträglichkeit {f}
Fehlergrenze {f}
tolerance [to alcohol]Trinkfestigkeit {f}
2 Words: Others
zero-tolerance {adj}kompromisslos
2 Words: Nouns
acceptance toleranceAbnahmetoleranz {f}
aggregate toleranceSummentoleranz {f}
tech. allowable tolerancezulässige Abweichung {f}
climbing med. altitude toleranceHöhenverträglichkeit {f}
psych. ambiguity toleranceAmbiguitätstoleranz {f}
tech. balancing toleranceWuchttoleranz {f}
biol. central tolerancezentrale Toleranz {f}
biol. cold toleranceKältetoleranz {f}
print colour tolerance [Br.]Farbtoleranz {f}
component toleranceBauteiltoleranz {f}
concentricity toleranceRundlauftoleranz {f}
biol. med. pharm. cross-toleranceKreuztoleranz {f}
cumulative toleranceSummentoleranz {f}
cosmet. med. pharm. cutaneous toleranceHautverträglichkeit {f}
tech. cylindricity toleranceZylindrizitätstoleranz {f}
bot. meteo. drought toleranceDürreresistenz {f}
biol. meteo. drought toleranceDürretoleranz {f}
biol. meteo. drought toleranceTrockenheitsresistenz {f}
biol. meteo. drought toleranceTrockenheitstoleranz {f}
biol. meteo. drought toleranceTrockentoleranz {f}
ecol. ecological toleranceökologische Toleranz {f}
electr. electromagnetic tolerance <EMT>elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit {f} <EMV>
error toleranceFehlertoleranz {f}
error toleranceFehlerunempfindlichkeit {f}
med. exercise toleranceBelastungstoleranz {f}
comp. fault toleranceFehlerrobustheit {f}
aviat. comp. MedTech. fault toleranceFehlertoleranz {f}
material tech. fit tolerancePasstoleranz {f}
tech. flatness toleranceFlachheit {f} [Toleranzangabe]
med. fructose toleranceFruktosetoleranz {f}
psych. frustration toleranceFrustrationstoleranz {f}
fundamental toleranceGrundtoleranz {f}
med. galactose toleranceGalaktosetoleranz {f}
general toleranceAllgemeintoleranz {f}
tech. general toleranceFreimaßtoleranz {f}
med. glucose tolerance <GT>Glukosetoleranz {f} <GT>
heat toleranceWärmetoleranz {f}
tech. height toleranceHöhentoleranz {f}
med. immunological toleranceImmuntoleranz {f}
med. immunological toleranceimmunologische Toleranz {f}
constr. tech. installation toleranceMontagetoleranz {f}
tech. jitter toleranceJittertoleranz {f}
lactate toleranceLaktattoleranz {f}
med. lactose toleranceLaktosetoleranz {f}
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