Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: to look down on sb sth [from the vantage of the person or object below]

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to look down (on sb./sth.) [from the vantage of the person or object below](auf jdn./etw.) herniedersehen [geh.]
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to look across / over at sb. [from the perspective of the person being looked at]zu jdm. herüberschauen [österr.] [südd.] [sonst veraltet] [ugs. auch: rüberschauen]
to look down at sb. [from the viewer's perspective]auf jdn. hinabsehen
to batten on sb./sth. [thrive or prosper at the expense of]auf Kosten von jdm./etw. gedeihen
to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)]etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.]
to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)]etw.Akk. scheppsen [bayer.] [entrinden] [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.]
to bark sth. [esp. Br.] [strip the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)]etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, einen Ast etc.]
sports to break away [from the rest of the field, gaining the lead]ausreißen [Vorsprung gewinnen]
math. to fix sth. [the object or value to be considered]etw.Akk. fest vorgeben
law to exempt sb. from sth. [esp. from the law of another country]jdn. von etw.Dat. eximieren [Rechtssprache]
to take down the wash [Am.] [remove the wash from the clothesline]die Wäsche (von der Leine) abnehmen
to foil sb./sth. [frustrate the efforts or plans of]jdn./etw. konterkarieren [geh.]
to be down [of a person: to have fallen to the ground]am Boden liegen [von einer Person]
to get a grip on sb./sth. [fig.] [take control of a person or situation]jdn./etw. in den Griff bekommen [fig.] [unter Kontrolle bekommen]
to objectivize sb. [degrade to the status of a mere object, objectify]jdn. zum (bloßen) Objekt machen / degradieren [z. B. Werbung, Pornographie: eine Frau etc.]
to lift sb./sth. up [from the floor, from sb.'s knees]jdn./etw. aufheben [in die Höhe, auch aufrichten, erheben]
to look down on sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. herabschauen
to lie on sb./sth. [to be the responsibility of sb./sth.]jdm./etw. obliegen [geh.]
to put sth. on [the light, the radio, the heating, etc.]etw. anmachen [ugs.] [das Licht, das Radio, die Heizung etc.]
to introduce sb. to sth. [bring a subject to the attention of sb. for the first time]jdn. an etw.Akk. heranführen [jdm. etw. näherbringen (und sein Interesse dafür wecken)]
to catch sight of sb./sth. [idiom] [spot in the distance or in the crowd]jdn./etw. ausmachen [in der Ferne oder in der Menge entdecken]
to look down on / upon sb./sth. [fig.]jdn./etw. geringschätzen [verachten]
to see sth. [experience, witness] [e.g. the turn of the century, the first lunar landing]etw.Akk. erleben [z. B. die Jahrhundertwende, die erste Mondlandung]
to see right through sb./sth. [fig.] [to easily recognize the true character of sb. or sth.]jdn./etw. leicht durchschauen [in seiner wahren Gestalt leicht erkennen]
to proceed to [e.g. name of person, shop; the office, the church, my sister]sich begeben zu [geh.]
oenol. to destem sth. [remove the stems from the grapes]etw.Akk. entrappen [fachspr.] [die Beeren von den Traubenstielen abtrennen]
to flag sb./sth. down [cause to stop person or vehicle]jdn./etw. abwinken [Person oder Fahrzeug anhalten]
gastr. to burn the bristles or down off [the carcass of a pig or fowl]die Borsten oder feinen Federn abbrennen [absengen]
gastr. to singe sth. [e.g., fine hairs or bristles off the carcass of fowl or pig]etw. absengen [z. B. Federn / Kiele bzw. Borsten von Geflügel und Schweinigem]
comm. to knock sth. off [from the price of sth.] [coll.]etw. ablassen [vom Preis von etw.]
to fit sb./sth. [e.g. the description fits him exactly, the lid doesn't fit the pot]auf jdn./etw. passen [z. B. Beschreibung auf jdn., Deckel auf Dose]
to kick the can down the road [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [delay a decision in hopes that the problem or issue will go away]ein / das Problem aussitzen wollen [ugs.]
to channel sb. [coll.] [to invoke the style of another person]jds. Geist heraufbeschwören [dessen Stil u. ä.]
to define sth. down [minimize the seriousness of]etw. aufweichen [z. B. Begriff, Forderungen]
to run sth. down [trace the source of]etw. ausfindig machen
art tech. to grain sth. [paint in imitation of the grain of wood or marble]etw. marmorieren [künstlich masern]
to lower sb./sth. down on a rope [away from observer]jdn./etw. hinunterseilen
to municipalize sth. [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town]etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen
to municipalise sth. [Br.] [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town]etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen
to sky sth. [hang near the top of the wall (above line of vision)] [dated] [coll.]etw. (deutlich) oberhalb der Augenhöhe aufhängen [Bild, Gemälde]
to keep sth. on the down low [esp. Am.] [sl.] <to keep sth. on the DL>etw.Akk. für sichAkk. behalten [nicht mitteilen]
to valorize sth. [increase the value or status of]etw.Akk. aufwerten
to step on it [coll.] [idiom] [increase the effort or tempo of some activity]einen Schritt zulegen [Redewendung]
gastr. to boil sth. down [reduce the volume of a liquid by boiling]etw. reduzieren [das Einkochen lassen bis zu der gewünschten Dicke]
to assess sth. [calculate or estimate the value of sth.]den Wert etw.Gen. bemessen
to suspect sth. [doubt the genuineness or truth of sth.]etw. anzweifeln [eine Tatsache oder die Echtheit von etw. infrage stellen]
to obtain the approval of sb./sth. [of person or institution]jds./ etw. Einverständnis einholen [auch: das Einverständnis jds./etw. einholen] [einer Person oder Institution]
to switch sth. on [the light, the radio, etc.]etw.Akk. aufdrehen [z. B. Licht, Radio] [österr.] [südd.]
to turn on sth. [the light, the radio, etc.]etw.Akk. andrehen [das Licht, das Radio etc.]
to turn sth. on [the light, the radio, etc.]etw.Akk. andrehen [das Licht, das Radio etc.]
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