Dictionary English German: tightly

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

English German
tightly {adv}
fest [kräftig]
tightly {adv}
tightly {adv}
tightly {adv} [narrowly, closely]
tightly {adv}
stramm [schnüren]
2 Words: Others
tightly closed {adj}dicht verschlossen
tightly closed {adj}fest verschlossen
tightly controlled {adj}streng kontrolliert
tightly controlled {adj}streng überwacht
cloth. tightly fitting {adj}eng anliegend
oenol. tightly knit {adj} [wine]dicht verwoben [Wein]
cloth. tightly laced {adj}enggeschnürt
tightly organised {adj} [Br.]straff organisiert
tightly organized {adj}straff organisiert
tightly packed {adj} {past-p}vollgepfercht
tightly packed {adj}dicht bepackt
tightly packed {adj}dicht gepackt
tightly packeddicht an dicht
tightly packed {adv}dicht auf dicht
comm. tightly priced {adj} {past-p}scharf kalkuliert
tightly pricedmit scharf gerechneten Preisen
tightly wound {adj}verspannt
2 Words: Verbs
to clutch sth. tightlyetw.Akk. fest greifen
cloth. to fit tightlyeng anliegen
cloth. to fit tightlystramm sitzen
to grasp sth. tightlysichAkk. um etw.Akk. klammern
to squeeze sth. tightly [e.g. hand]etw.Akk. fest drücken [z. B. Hand]
to squeeze sth. tightly [e.g. with pliers]etw.Akk. festquetschen [z. B. mit einer Zange]
3 Words: Others
screwed on tightly {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]festgeschraubt
screwed on tightly {adj} [postpos.] [lid, top]fest zugeschraubt
3 Words: Verbs
to bind sth. more tightlyetw.Akk. fester binden
to close (tightly) around sth. [of fingers etc.]sich (fest) um etw. schließen [Hand etc.]
to grasp (around) sth. (tightly)sich um etw. klammern [Hand, Finger etc.]
to shut tight / tightly [eyes, mouth]zukneifen
3 Words: Nouns
tightly constructed bookstraff gegliedertes Buch {n}
pol. tightly contested electionheiß umkämpfte Wahl {f}
chem. tightly packed moleculesdicht gepackte Moleküle {pl}
4 Words: Others
EU Keep container tightly closed. [safety phrase S7]Behälter dicht geschlossen halten. [Sicherheitssatz S7]
4 Words: Verbs
to cling tight / tightly to sth.fest an etw.Dat. haften
to hold the reins (tightly)die Zügel (fest) in der Hand haben
5+ Words: Others
lit. quote And much too tightly stretched the bow will split.Allzu straff gespannt, zerspringt der Bogen. [Friedrich Schiller in "Wilhelm Tell"]
5+ Words: Verbs
sports to mark an opponent tightly / closelyeinen Gegenspieler konsequent decken
to tie one's hair back tightlydie Haare straff zurückstecken
to wrap oneself tightly in one's coatsich fest in seinen Mantel hüllen
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