| English  | German |  |
| – |
 | thus {adv} | 9009 dadurch |  |
 | thus {adv} [consequently, as a result] | 5814 folglich |  |
 | thus {adv} | 3199 dementsprechend |  |
 | thus {adv} | 2252 demnach |  |
 | thus {adv} [accordingly] | 1840 deshalb |  |
 | thus {adv} [in this way, like this] | 988 so |  |
 | thus {adv} [therefore] | 663 somit |  |
 | thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore] | 533 daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb] |  |
 | thus {adv} | 231 sprich [das heißt] |  |
 | thus {adv} [literary or formal] [therefore] | 183 mithin [geh.] [folglich, deshalb] |  |
 | thus {adv} | 152 demgemäß |  |
 | thus {adv} | 143 also [somit, folgendermaßen] |  |
 | thus {adv} | 140 hierdurch |  |
 | thus {adv} | 82 derart [auf diese Art] |  |
 | thus {adv} | 16 solcherart |  |
 | thus {adv} [in this way] | auf diese Weise |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | ..., thus ... {adv} | ... und daher ... |  |
 | ..., thus ... {adv} | ... und somit ... |  |
 | only thus {conj} | nur so |  |
 | thus far {adv} | bisher |  |
 | thus far {adv} | bislang |  |
 | thus far {adv} | bis jetzt |  |
 | thus far {adv} | so weit |  |
 | thus far {adv} | in dem Maße |  |
 | thus spake [archaic] | also sprach [bibl., literar.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | data thus obtained | so erhaltene Daten {pl} |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | Thus it appears that ... | Daraus wird ersichtlich, dass ... |  |
 | Thus it happened that ... | So geschah es, dass ... |  |
 | Thus it is that ... | So kommt es, dass ... |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | the thus collected data | die so gesammelten Daten {pl} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | And thus it was that ... | Und so geschah es, dass ... |  |
 | That can be best explained thus: ... | Das kann man am besten so erklären: ... |  |
 | dent. The affected teeth were ankylosed in the area of the bi- and trifurcation and on the inside of the roots and were thus infraoccluded. | Die betroffenen Zähne waren im Bereich der Bi-/Trifurkation und an der Innenseite der Zahnwurzeln ankylosiert und standen deshalb in Infraokklusion. |  |
 | tech. The investigation into the complaint is thus concluded. | Die Beanstandung wird hiermit geschlossen. |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | F Thus Shalt Thou Live | So sollt ihr leben [Sebastian Kneipp] |  |
 | lit. philos. F Thus Spoke Zarathustra | Also sprach Zarathustra [Friedrich Nietzsche] |  |