Dictionary English German: three month

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med. three-month injection <3-month injection>Dreimonatsspritze {f}
three-month cycleDreimonatszyklus {m}
three-month highDreimonatshoch {n}
three-month loanDreimonatsgeld {n}
three-month-old {adj} [attr.]vierteljährig
educ. three-month coursedreimonatiger Kurs {m}
educ. three-month coursedreimonatiger Lehrgang {m}
three-month cycleDrei-Monats-Zyklus {m}
three-month deputyshipVertretung {f} für 3 Monate
three-month-old babydrei Monate alter Säugling {m}
for a three-month period {adv}drei Monate lang
within a three-month period {adv}innerhalb von drei Monaten
to have / give three month's noticevierteljährliche Kündigungsfrist haben / geben
three-month {adj} [attr.]dreimonatig <3-monatig> [z. B. Aufenthalt, Kurs etc.]
three-month-old babydrei Monate altes Baby {n}
Partial Matches
month-on-month {adj}gegenüber dem Vormonat [nachgestellt]
month-to-month declineMonatsminus {n}
month-to-month gainMonatsplus {n}
six-month pack <6-month pack>Sechsmonatspackung {f} <6-Monatspackung> [auch: 6-Monats-Packung]
six-month pack <6-month pack>Halbjahrespackung {f}
twelve-month pack <12-month pack>Jahrespackung {f}
On the count of three: ... (one - two - three!)Auf Drei: ... (Eins - Zwei - Drei!)
lit. F The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der verschollene Three-Quarter
electr. three-phase three-wire system <3-phase three-wire system, 3-phase 3-wire system>Drehstrom-Dreileitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromdreileitersystem]
sports three-peat [also: threepeat] [Am.] [coll.]Three-Peat {m} [auch: Threepeat] [dreimaliger Sieg in Folge bei einer Meisterschaft]
film F The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada [Tommy Lee Jones]Three Burials - Die drei Begräbnisse des Melquiades Estrada
Pride MonthPride Month {m}
every month {adv}allmonatlich
every month {adv}monatsweise
month-long {adj}einmonatig
month-long {adj}monatelang
fin. accounting monthAbrechnungsmonat {m}
accounting monthBuchungsmonat {m}
acc. accounting monthRechnungsmonat {m}
autumn monthHerbstmonat {m}
birth monthGeburtsmonat {m}
calendar monthKalendermonat {m}
contract monthAndienungsmonat {m}
econ. contract monthFälligkeitsmonat {m}
contract monthKontraktmonat {m}
delivery monthAndienungsmonat {m}
delivery monthLiefermonat {m}
expiration monthVerfallmonat {m}
expiry monthVerfallmonat {m}
relig. fasting monthFastenmonat {m}
following monthFolgemonat {m}
intercalary monthSchaltmonat {m}
astron. unit light monthLichtmonat {m}
lunar monthLunarmonat {m}
lunar monthMondmonat {m}
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