Dictionary English German: those

Translation 1 - 50 of 115  >>

English German
PRON  that [demonstrative pronoun] | that | -
those {pron}
jene [pl]
those {pron}
diese {pl}
those {pron} [indirect object]
2 Words: Others
of those {pron}jener
Those are...Das sind ... [Jene sind]
2 Words: Nouns
those affected [treated as pl.]Betroffene {pl}
those affected [treated as pl.]die Betroffenen {pl}
those involvedBeteiligte {pl}
those involveddie Beteiligten {pl}
those polleddie Befragten {pl}
those responsibleVerantwortliche {pl}
those responsibledie Verantwortlichen {pl}
those things {pl} [coll.]dieses Zeug {n} [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
... like these / those [German plural; e.g. jackets / dresses like these / those]sone ... [ugs.] [solche; z. B. sone Jacken / Kleider]
along those lines {adv} [idiom]in der Art
Are those yours?Gehören die dir?
counting those present {adv} {pres-p}die Anwesenden eingeschlossen
even those who ...selbst wer ... [selbst jene, welche]
for all those {adv}für all jene
in those days {adv}damals
in those days {adv}dazumal [oft hum.] [veraltend]
in those days {adv}derzeit [veraltend] [damals, seinerzeit]
in those days {adv}in jenen Tagen
in those days {adv}zu jener Zeit [geh.]
in those times {adv}in jener Zeit
including those present {adv} {pres-p}die Anwesenden eingeschlossen
on those days {adv} [demonstrative]an diesen Tagen
one of those {pron}irgend so ein / eine [oft abwertend]
such as thosewie zum Beispiel jene
These / Those same ...Dieselben ...
These / Those same ...Genau diese ...
those (over there) {pron}die da (drüben) [Plural]
Those are useless. [all left shoes]Das sind lauter linke Stiefel. [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
all those attendingalle Teilnehmer {pl}
all those interestedalle Interessenten {pl}
all those presentalle Anwesenden {pl}
those in hidingdie Verborgenen {pl}
those in needBedürftige {pl}
those in powerMachthaber {pl}
pol. those in powerMachtinhaber {pl} [seltener]
those left behinddie Zurückgebliebenen {pl} [an einem Ort]
those once loyaldie einst Loyalen {pl}
4 Words: Others
for all those who ...für alle diejenigen, die ...
It is exactly those ...Gerade die, ...
Many of those who ...Viele derer, die ...
That's one of those ...Das ist einer dieser ...
Those are my sentiments.So denke ich darüber.
Those are the breaks.So ist es nun mal.
Those are the breaks. [coll.] [Such is life.]So ist das Leben.
Those of us who ...Die / Diejenigen von uns, die ...
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