Dictionary English German: third

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ADJ   third | - | -
NOUN   a third | thirds
SYNO   one-third | third | tierce | third ... 
third {adj} <3rd>
third {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brood, car, copy, country, language]
Dritt- [z. B. Brut, Wagen, Ausfertigung, Staat, Sprache]
third {adv} [thirdly]
third [fraction]
Drittel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
Dritter {m}
mus. third
Terz {f}
2 Words: Others
third biggest {adj}drittgrößte
law pol. third country {adj} [attr.]aus Drittstaaten [nachgestellt]
third highest {adj}dritthöchste
third largest {adj}drittgrößte
third lowest {adj}drittniedrigste
third most {adv}drittmeist
third rate {adj}drittrangig
third smallest {adj}drittkleinste
third-best {adj}drittbeste
third-class {adj}drittklassig
third-class {adj}dritter Klasse [nachgestellt]
third-oldest {adj}drittälteste
third-order ... {adj}... dritter Ordnung
third-party {adj} [e.g. third-party report]von Dritten [z. B. Meldung von Dritten]
sports third-placed {adj}drittplatziert
sports third-placed {adj}drittplaziert [alt]
rail third-rail {adj}dreischienig
third-rate {adj}drittrangig
third-rate {adj}minderwertig [fig.]
third-rate {adj} [pej.]drittklassig [pej.]
sports third-string {adj} [pej.]drittklassig [pej.]
third-tier {adj} [third-layer, third-rank]drittrangig [dritten Ranges, unwichtig]
twenty-third {adj} <23rd>dreiundzwanzigste
2 Words: Verbs
to come third [female person]als Dritte ankommen
to come third [male person]als Dritter ankommen
2 Words: Nouns
mus. augmented thirdübermäßige Terz {f}
sports center third [Am.] [of a netball court]Mitteldrittel {n} [eines Netballplatzes]
sports centre third [Br.] [of a netball court]Mitteldrittel {n} [eines Netballplatzes]
mus. compound third [tenth]Dezime {f}
mus. diminished thirdverminderte Terz {f}
mus. flat thirdkleine Terz {f}
last third [portion]Schlussdrittel {n}
RadioTV lower third [graphic placed in the lower area of the screen]Bauchbinde {f} [Einblendung am unteren Bildrand]
mus. major thirdgroße Terz {f}
mus. minor thirdkleine Terz {f}
one thirdein Drittel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
mus. Picardy thirdpicardische Terz {f}
mus. Picardy thirdpikardische Terz {f}
third arbitratorObmann {m} des Schiedsgerichts
sports third baseman [baseball] <3B>Third Baseman {m} [auch: Thirdbaseman] [Baseball] <3B>
orn. third broodDrittbrut {f} [Jungvögel des dritten Geleges]
third carDrittauto {n}
third carDrittwagen {m}
third century3. Jahrhundert {n}
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