| English  | German |  |
| – |
 | therefore {adv} | 6628 daher [deshalb] |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 4861 deshalb |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 2109 deswegen |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 1580 also [folglich] |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 1233 darum [deshalb] |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 401 somit |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 363 demzufolge |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 275 folglich |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 80 mithin [geh.] [deshalb, folglich] |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 45 darob [veraltet] [deswegen] |  |
 | therefore {adv} | 24 sonach [geh.] [demnach] |  |
 | therefore {adv} | aus diesem Grund |  |
2 Words |
 | law Now, therefore, ... [in contracts] | In Anbetracht des Folgenden ... [in Verträgen] |  |
4 Words |
 | law It is therefore necessary ... | Es ist daher geboten, ... [selten] |  |
5+ Words |
 | bibl. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. [ESV; Jer. 31:3] | Ich habe dich je und je geliebt; darum habe ich dich zu mir gezogen aus lauter Güte. [Lutherbibel; Jer. 31,3] |  |
 | philos. I think, therefore I am. [Cogito, ergo sum.] | Ich denke, also bin ich. |  |
 | In summary it can be said, therefore, that ... | Zusammenfassend kann man daher sagen, dass ... |  |
 | It would therefore be advisable ... | Es wäre deshalb ratsam ... |  |
 | lit. quote So Hedge therefore, Who Join Forever ... | Drum prüfe, wer sich ewig bindet ... [Schiller, Die Glocke] |  |
 | lit. quote So test therefore, who join forever, // If heart to heart be found together! [trans. Marianna Wertz] | Drum prüfe, wer sich ewig bindet, // Ob sich das Herz zum Herzen findet! [Friedrich Schiller, Das Lied von der Glocke] |  |
 | The reason therefore lay in the fact that ... | Der Grund lag mithin darin, dass ... [geh.] |  |
 | There is, therefore, every indication that ... | Es spricht also alles dafür, dass ... |  |
 | Therefore, by all means, read ... | Lesen Sie deshalb unbedingt ... |  |