Dictionary English German: therapy

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English German
NOUN   a therapy | therapies
med. psych. therapy
Therapie {f}
med. therapy
Behandlung {f}
med. therapy
Heilverfahren {n}
med. therapy [remedy]
Heilmittel {n}
2 Words: Others
med. requiring therapy {adj} [attr.] [postpos.]therapiebedürftig
med. psych. therapy-accompanying {adj}therapiebegleitend
med. therapy-refractory {adj}therapierefraktär
med. therapy-resistant {adj}therapieresistent
2 Words: Nouns
med. ablative therapyAblativtherapie {f} [selten]
med. ablative therapyAblativ-Therapie {f} [selten]
med. ablative therapyablative Therapie {f}
med. acne therapyAknetherapie {f}
med. acupuncture therapyAkupunkturtherapie {f}
med. acute therapyAkuttherapie {f}
med. psych. addiction therapySuchttherapie {f}
med. adjuvant therapyadjuvante Therapie {f}
med. adjuvant therapyunterstützende Therapie {f}
med. pharm. advanced therapy <AT>neuartige Therapie {f}
pharm. aerosol therapyAerosoltherapie {f}
med. alternative therapyAlternativbehandlung {f}
med. alternative therapyalternative Therapie {f}
med. antiandrogenic therapyantiandrogene Therapie {f}
med. antibacterial therapy <ABT>antibakterielle Therapie {f} <ABT>
med. antibiotic therapy <ABT>Antibiotikatherapie {f} <ABT>
med. antibiotic therapy <ABT>antibiotische Therapie {f} <ABT>
med. antibiotics therapyAntibiotikatherapie {f}
med. anticoagulant therapyAntikoagulantien-Therapie {f} [auch: Antikoagulantientherapie]
med. anticoagulation therapy <ACT>Antikoagulationstherapie {f}
med. antidotal therapyantidotale Therapie {f}
med. antiepileptic therapyantiepileptische Therapie {f}
med. antihormone therapy [also: anti-hormone therapy]Antihormontherapie {f}
med. antimycotic therapyantimykotische Therapie {f} <AMT>
med. antiparasitic therapyantiparasitäre Therapie {f} <APT>
med. antiretroviral therapy <ART>antiretrovirale Therapie {f} <ART>
biotech. antisense therapyAntisense-Therapie {f}
med. antithrombotic therapyAntithrombosetherapie {f}
med. antithrombotic therapyantithrombotische Therapie {f}
med. antiviral therapy <AVT>antivirale Therapie {f} <AVT>
psych. art therapyGestaltungstherapie {f}
art educ. psych. art therapyKunsttherapie {f}
med. arthrosis therapyArthrosetherapie {f}
psych. arts therapyKunsttherapie {f}
med. asthma therapyAsthmatherapie {f}
psych. attachment therapyFesthaltetherapie {f}
psych. aversion therapyAversionstherapie {f}
med. basic therapyBasistherapie {f}
cosmet. beauty therapySchönheitstherapie {f}
psych. behavior therapy [Am.]Verhaltenstherapie {f}
psych. behavioral therapy [Am.]Verhaltenstherapie {f}
psych. behaviour therapy [Br.]Verhaltenstherapie {f}
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