Dictionary English German: theoretical

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

English German
ADJ   theoretical | more theoretical | most theoretical
SYNO   theoretic | theoretical
theoretical {adj}
theoretical {adj}
theoretical {adj}rein gedanklich
2 Words: Others
philos. action-theoretical {adj}handlungstheoretisch
spec. basic theoretical {adj}grundlagentheoretisch
philos. sociol. culture-theoretical {adj}kulturtheoretisch
philos. meta-theoretical {adj}metatheoretisch
mil. military-theoretical {adj}militärtheoretisch
more theoretical {adj}theoretischer
most theoretical {adj}theoretischste
mus. music-theoretical {adj}musiktheoretisch
overly theoretical {adj}theorielastig [einseitig, praxisfern]
relig. religio-theoretical {adj}religionstheoretisch
math. set-theoretical {adj}mengentheoretisch
sociol. socio-theoretical {adj}gesellschaftstheoretisch
sociol. socio-theoretical {adj}sozialtheoretisch
spec. system-theoretical {adj}systemtheoretisch
spec. test-theoretical {adj}testtheoretisch
2 Words: Nouns
theoretical approachTheorieansatz {m}
theoretical approachtheoretischer Ansatz {m}
acad. biol. theoretical biologytheoretische Biologie {f}
acad. chem. theoretical chemistrytheoretische Chemie {f}
educ. theoretical classes {pl}theoretischer Unterricht {m}
theoretical debateTheoriedebatte {f}
theoretical economicsVolkswirtschaftstheorie {f}
theoretical estimationtheoretische Abschätzung {f}
theoretical ethicstheoretische Ethik {f}
theoretical foundationtheoretisches Fundament {n}
theoretical foundationstheoretische Grundlagen {pl}
theoretical frameworkRahmentheorie {f}
theoretical frameworkTheorierahmen {m}
theoretical frameworktheoretischer Rahmen {m}
theoretical frameworktheoretisches Gerüst {n}
educ. theoretical instructiontheoretischer Unterricht {m}
theoretical knowledgeTheoriewissen {n}
philos. theoretical knowledgetheoretische Erkenntnis {f}
acad. theoretical knowledge {sg}theoretische Kenntnisse {pl}
ling. theoretical linguistics [treated as sg.]theoretische Linguistik {f}
phys. theoretical mechanics [treated as sg.]theoretische Mechanik {f}
theoretical modelTheoriemodell {n}
acad. theoretical neurosciencetheoretische Neurowissenschaft {f}
philos. theoretical philosophy <TP>theoretische Philosophie {f} <TP>
jobs phys. theoretical physicisttheoretischer Physiker {m}
acad. phys. theoretical physics [treated as sg.]theoretische Physik {f}
chem. theoretical platetheoretischer Boden {m}
theoretical principlestheoretische Grundlagen {pl}
acad. theoretical progresstheoretischer Fortschritt {m}
acad. psych. theoretical psychologytheoretische Psychologie {f} [auch: Theoretische Psychologie]
theoretical reason [reason for sth.]theoretische Begründung {f} [Grund]
philos. theoretical reason [theoretical reasoning ability, e.g. Kant]theoretische Vernunft {f} [z. B. Kant]
theoretical rimtheoretische Felge {f}
theoretical structureTheoriegebäude {n}
philos. theoretical traditionTheorietradition {f}
educ. jobs theoretical trainingtheoretische Schulung {f}
theoretical valuetheoretischer Wert {m}
chem. pharm. stat. theoretical yield <TY>theoretische Ausbeute {f}
3 Words: Others
phys. quantum field-theoretical {adj}quantenfeldtheoretisch
3 Words: Nouns
ling. philos. act-theoretical semantics [usually treated as sg.]handlungstheoretische Semantik {f}
math. graph theoretical model [spv.]graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
math. graph-theoretical modelgraphentheoretisches Modell {n}
sign-theoretical approachzeichentheoretischer Ansatz {m}
comp. theoretical computer scienceTheoretische Informatik {f}
comp. theoretical computer science <TCS>theoretische Informatik {f} <THI, ThI>
chem. theoretical plate numbertheoretische Bodenzahl {f}
4 Words: Others
on the theoretical level {adv}theoretisch
4 Words: Nouns
chem. number of theoretical plates <N>Trennstufenzahl {f} <N>
educ. professorship of Theoretical PhysicsLehrstuhl {m} für Theoretische Physik
theoretical limit of coolingKühlgrenze {f}
theoretical limit of coolingKühlgrenztemperatur {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
theoretical value of a rightrechnerischer Wert {m} eines Rechts
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