Dictionary English German: them

Translation 1 - 50 of 205  >>

English German
PRON   they | them | their [adj]/theirs [pron]
them {pron} [direct object]
sie [3. Pers. Plural, Akkusativ]
them [coll.] [those] [nonstandard]
them {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "him" or "her" or "him or her"]
[geschlechtsneutral, statt „ihn“ oder „sie“ oder „ihn oder sie“]
2 Words: Others
(to) them {pron} [indirect object]ihnen
about them {adv}ihretwegen
about them {adv}ihretwillen
among them {adv}unter ihnen
among them {adv}zwischen ihnen
amongst them [esp. Br.]unter ihnen
behind them {adv}hinter ihnen
besides them {adv}außer ihnen
between them {adv}dazwischen
between them {adv}miteinander
between them {adv}zusammengenommen
between them {adv}zwischen ihnen
of them {adv}davon [Anteil]
of them {pron} [e.g., many of them]ihrer [geh.] [z. B. ihrer viele: viele von ihnen]
Seize them!Ergreift sie! [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
them all {pron} [Am.] [sl.]sie alle
with them {adv}mit ihnen / denen
3 Words: Others
above it / them {adv}obendrüber [ugs.]
according to them {adv}nach ihnen [ihrer Aussage zufolge]
all of them {pron}sie alle
all of them {pron}sie allesamt
among them also ...darunter auch ...
any of them {pron}irgendeiner von ihnen
as for them {adv}ihresteils [veraltend]
because of them {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
because of them {adv}ihretwillen
because of themwegen ihnen
both of them {pron}beide
either of them {pron}einer von beiden
either of them {pron}jeder von beiden [der eine oder der andere]
four of themihrer vier [veraltet]
Give them hell!Mach ihnen die Hölle heiß!
I joined them.Ich gesellte mich dazu. [zu einer Gruppe von Personen]
I joined them.Ich gesellte mich zu ihnen.
I pity them.Ich bedauere sie. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
I pity them.Sie dauern mich. [geh.] [altmodisch]
in it / them {adv}darein [geh.]
in it / them {adv}drein [ugs.]
in it / them {adv}da hinein
inside it / them {adv}dadrin [ugs.]
Keep them coming! [idiom]Immer her damit! [Redewendung]
neither of them {pron}keiner von ihnen
none of them {pron}niemand von ihnen
on it / them {adv}obendrüber [ugs.] [darauf]
one of them {pron}einer von denen
one of them {pron}einer von ihnen
people like them {pron}ihresgleichen
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