Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: the

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entom. T
the occultdas Okkulte {n}
the officersOffizierskorps {n}
the old {pl}die Alten {pl}
the oldies [hum.]die älteren Herrschaften {pl} [oft hum.]
geogr. the Olgas {pl} [Kata Tjuta]Olga-Gebirge {n} [Kata Tjuta]
the one [coll.] [the right male partner to spend the rest of one's life with]der Richtige {m} [ugs.] [der richtige Mann / Partner fürs Leben]
philos. spec. the One [Plotinus, etc.]das Eine {n}
philos. the oughtdas Gesollte {n}
the outdoorsdie freie Natur {f}
the outsidedie äußere Seite {f}
the outward [that which is external, the outward appearance]das Äußere {n}
archi. mil. pol. the Pentagon [building; fig.: U.S. Department of Defense]das Pentagon {n} [Gebäude; fig.: US-Verteidigungsministerium]
the people {pl}das Volk {n}
med. the pilldie Pille {f} [ugs.] [Antibabypille]
bibl. the pitdie Hölle {f}
hist. the Plainsdie Gemäßigten {pl} [Partei während der franz. Revolution]
geogr. the Plains [of North America]die Prärie {f}
the plebeians {pl} [the common people]Plebs {m} [österr. {f}] [geh.] [pej.] [Volk, Pöbel]
astron. the Plough [Br.] [constellation]der Große Wagen {m} [Sternbild]
the point [essential thing]das Entscheidende {n}
the Polishdie Polen {pl}
pol. the politicaldas Politische {n}
geogr. the pond [hum.] [the Atlantic Ocean]der Große Teich {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [der Atlantik]
the poordie Hilfsbedürftigen {pl}
the poor {pl}die Armen {pl} [als Klasse]
hist. the Portedie (Hohe) Pforte {f}
the Portuguese {pl}die Portugiesen {pl} [als Volk]
the powerless {pl}die Entmächtigten {pl}
med. the pox [coll.: syphilis]Syph {f} {m} [ugs.: Syphilis]
journ. the press [newspapers]das Pressewesen {n} [Zeitungen]
journ. publ. the press [newspapers]das Zeitungswesen {n}
the primitivedas Primitive {n}
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
urban the projects {pl} [coll.] [short for housing projects] [Am.]die / eine Sozialbausiedlung {f}
mus. the Promsdie Proms {pl} [Sommerkonzertreihe in London]
pol. sociol. the public [populace]das Volk {n}
publ. the pulpsSchundhefte {pl}
hist. the purple [aristocracy]der Adel {m}
hist. the purple [bishops collectively]der (höhere) Klerus {m} [Stand]
the quality [dated] [hum.] [people]bessere Leute {pl}
the Queendie Queen {f} [britische Königin]
the quick {pl} [archaic]die Lebenden {pl}
sports the races [dogs]Hunderennen {pl}
meteo. the rains {pl}die Regenzeit {f}
the rationaldas Rationale {n}
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