Dictionary English German: synthesis

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English German
NOUN   a synthesis | syntheses
SYNO   synthesis | synthetic thinking ... 
Synthese {f}
chem. synthesis
Darstellung {f} [z. B. die beispielhafte Herstellung einer Verbindung im Labormaßstab]
Synthetisieren {n}
2 Words: Nouns
biol. abiogenic synthesisabiogene Synthese {f}
biol. abiotic synthesisabiotische Synthese {f}
mus. additive synthesisadditive Synthese {f} [Klangerzeugung]
biochem. alkaloid synthesisAlkaloidsynthese {f}
chem. ammonia synthesisAmmoniaksynthese {f}
art mus. artistic synthesisGesamtkunstwerk {n}
biochem. ATP synthesisATP-Synthese {f}
biochem. callose synthesisCallose-Synthese {f} [auch: Callosesynthese]
biochem. carotene synthesisCarotinsynthese {f} [auch: Carotin-Synthese]
biochem. carotenoid synthesisCarotinoidsynthese {f}
biol. cell synthesisZellsynthese {f}
biol. cellular synthesisZellsynthese {f}
biol. cellular synthesiszelluläre Synthese {f}
biochem. cellulose synthesisCellulose-Synthese {f} [auch: Cellulosesynthese]
chem. chemical synthesischemische Synthese {f}
biochem. chitin synthesisChitinsynthese {f}
biochem. chlorophyll synthesisChlorophyllsynthese {f}
biochem. cholesterol synthesisCholesterolsynthese {f} [auch: Cholesterol-Synthese]
biochem. collagen synthesisKollagensynthese {f}
biotech. combinatorial synthesiskombinatorische Synthese {f}
cultural synthesisKultursynthese {f}
biochem. cytokinin synthesisCytokininsynthese {f} [auch: Cytokinin-Synthese]
chem. dehydration synthesisDehydrationssynthese {f}
biochem. deoxyribonucleotide synthesisDesoxyribonucleotid-Synthese {f} [auch: Desoxyribonucleotidsynthese]
biochem. deoxyribonucleotide synthesisDesoxyribonukleotid-Synthese {f} [auch: Desoxyribonukleotidsynthese]
biol. DNA synthesisDNA-Synthese {f}
biochem. enzymatic synthesisEnzymsynthese {f}
biochem. enzyme synthesisEnzymsynthese {f}
chem. ether synthesisEthersynthese {f}
biochem. ethylene synthesisEthylensynthese {f} [auch: Ethylen-Synthese]
chem. fat synthesisFettsynthese {f}
biochem. flavonoid synthesisFlavonoidsynthese {f} [auch: Flavonoid-Synthese]
chem. Gabriel synthesis <GS>Gabriel-Synthese {f} <GS>
biochem. gene synthesisGensynthese {f}
biochem. gibberellin synthesisGibberellinsynthese {f} [auch: Gibberellin-Synthese]
biochem. glycogen synthesisGlykogensynthese {f}
audio granular synthesisGranularsynthese {f}
biochem. haemoglobin synthesis [Br.]Hämoglobinsynthese {f} [auch: Hämoglobin-Synthese]
biochem. heme synthesisHämsynthese {f}
biochem. hemoglobin synthesis [Am.]Hämoglobinsynthese {f} [auch: Hämoglobin-Synthese]
biochem. histidine synthesisHistidinsynthese {f} [auch: Histidin-Synthese]
biochem. insulin synthesisInsulinsynthese {f}
biochem. isoprene synthesisIsoprensynthese {f} [auch: Isopren-Synthese]
biochem. isoprenoid synthesisIsoprenoidsynthese {f} [auch: Isoprenoid-Synthese]
biotech. chem. laboratory synthesisLaborsynthese {f}
biochem. legumin synthesisLeguminsynthese {f}
biochem. lipid synthesisLipidsynthese {f}
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