Dictionary English German: sweet potato

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NOUN   a sweet potato | sweet potatoes
SYNO   ocarina | sweet potato ... 
SEE ALSO  sweetpotato
gastr. sweet potato starchSüßkartoffelstärke {f}
mus. sweet potato [Am.] [coll.]Okarina {f}
gastr. sweet potato fries [Am.]Süßkartoffelpommes {pl}
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Partial Matches
med. Sweet's / Sweet syndrome <SS>Sweet-Syndrom {n}
film F Sweet Dreams [Karel Reisz]Sweet Dreams [Fernsehtitel auch: Der süße Traum vom Glück]
bot. T
couch potato [coll.]Couch-Potato {f} {m} [ugs.]
bot. T
Acoraceen {pl}
bot. T
bot. T
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film lit. F After Dark, My Sweet [novel: Jim Thompson, film: James Foley]After Dark, My Sweet
bot. T
film F Sweet and Lowdown [Woody Allen]Sweet and Lowdown
bot. T
bot. T
bot. gastr. potatoKartoffel {f}
potato {adj} [attr.]Kartoffel-
bot. gastr. potatoHerdöpfel {m} [schweiz.]
potato-shaped {adj}kartoffelförmig
gastr. (potato) croquettesKroketten {pl}
gastr. baked potatoOfenkartoffel {f}
crushed potatoKartoffelpressschrot {m}
gastr. jacket potatoOfenkartoffel {f}
agr. lumper potatoLumperkartoffel {f}
gastr. mashed potatoKartoffelbrei {m}
potato bagKartoffelsack {m}
gastr. potato ballsKartoffelbällchen {pl}
agr. potato blightKartoffelfäule {f}
gastr. potato breadKartoffelbrot {n}
gastr. potato cakeKartoffelplätzchen {n}
gastr. potato cakeKartoffeltorte {f}
gastr. potato casseroleKartoffelauflauf {m}
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