Dictionary English German: swallows

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

English German
NOUN   a swallow | swallows
VERB  to swallow | swallowed | swallowed
swallowing | swallows
sb. swallows
jd. schluckt
orn. T
Schwalben {pl}
2 Words
sb./sth. swallows upjd./etw. verschluckt
3 Words
orn. flight of swallowsSchwarm {m} (von) Schwalben
orn. flight of swallows [archaic]Schwalbenschwarm {m}
orn. flock of swallowsSchwalbenschwarm {m}
orn. pair of swallowsSchwalbenpärchen {n}
orn. sweep of swallowsSchwalbenflug {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Boy Swallows Universe [Trent Dalton]Der Junge, der das Universum verschlang
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