Dictionary English German: supposed

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
ADJ   supposed | - | -
VERB  to suppose | supposed | supposed ... 
SYNO   alleged | so-called | supposed ... 
sb. supposed
jd. vermutete
supposed {adj}
supposed {adj}
supposed {adj} {past-p}
supposed {adj}
supposed {adj} [date of birth, site of temple, author also]
2 Words: Nouns
law supposed offendermutmaßlicher Täter {m}
3 Words: Others
[we/they/you] are supposed to[wir/sie/Sie] sollen
[you] are supposed to[du] sollst
as I supposed {adv}wie ich annahm
sb./sth. was supposed tojd./etw. sollte eigentlich
3 Words: Verbs
to be supposed tosollen
to be supposed tovorgesehen sein zu ...
to be supposed to ... [e.g.: ... help; ... be eaten]dafür da sein(,) ... [z. B.: dafür da sein zu helfen; dafür da sein, gegessen zu werden]
to be supposed to ... [e.g.: ... help; ... be eaten]dafür da sein, um [ugs.] [z. B.: dafür da sein, um zu helfen; dafür da sein, um gegessen zu werden]
4 Words: Others
Am I supposed to ... ?Erwartet man von mir ... ?
sb./sth. is actually supposed tojd./etw. soll eigentlich
4 Words: Verbs
to be supposed to be sth.für etw. gehalten werden
to be supposed to continueweitersollen
to be supposed to do sth.eigentlich etw. tun müssen
5+ Words: Others
He's supposed to be rich.Er soll reich sein.
How am I supposed to know? [idiom]Woher soll ich das wissen?
How is he supposed to ... ?Wie soll er (denn) ... ?
I am supposed to do this.Es ist meine Aufgabe, dies zu tun.
I was supposed to have built it here. [and I did]Ich sollte es hier gebaut haben.
I was supposed to have built it here. [but I didn't]Ich hätte es hier bauen sollen.
idiom Is that supposed to mean ...?Soll das etwa heißen ... ?
Now, that's how you're supposed to drive.Endlich weißt du, wie du zu fahren hast.
She's supposed to be very intelligent.Sie soll angeblich sehr intelligent sein.
That was not supposed to happen.Das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren.
What am I supposed to make of that?Wie soll ich das verstehen?
What are we supposed to do?Was sollen wir denn jetzt machen?
What I'm about to say is supposed to be confidential.Was ich Ihnen jetzt sage, behandeln Sie bitte vertraulich.
what is supposed to happenwas geschehen soll
What is that supposed to achieve?Was soll das bezwecken?
What is that supposed to mean? [annoyed]Was soll das denn (bitte schön) heißen?
What was that supposed to be?Was soll das sein?
What's that supposed to mean?Was soll das heißen?
What's that supposed to mean?Was soll denn das?
Who are you supposed to be?Wen sollst du darstellen?
You know, this was supposed to be my weekend off.Weißt du, das sollte mein freies Wochenende werden.
You weren't supposed to do that.Das hättest du nicht tun sollen.
You're not even supposed to be in here anyway.Eigentlich darfst du hier sowieso nicht rein.
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