Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: substances

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Englisch Deutsch
NOUN   a substance | substances
Stoffe {pl}
Substanzen {pl}
2 Wörter: Substantive
biochem. allelochemical substancesallelochemische Substanzen {pl}
pharm. anticoagulant substancesgerinnungshemmende Substanzen {pl}
antiketoplastic substancesantiketoplastische Substanzen {pl}
chem. aromatic substancesAromastoffe {pl}
banned substancesverbotene Stoffe {pl}
sports banned substancesverbotene Substanzen {pl}
basic substancesGrundsubstanzen {pl}
acad. chem. engin. calibration substancesKalibriersubstanzen {pl}
chem. chemical substanceschemische Substanzen {pl}
pharm. chemotherapeutic substancesChemotherapeutika {pl}
ecol. electr. MedTech. critical substanceskritische Stoffe {pl}
dry substancesTrockenstoffe {pl}
tech. flammable substancesbrennbare Stoffe {pl}
foreign substancesFremdkörper {pl}
chem. glucoplastic substancesglukoplastische Substanzen {pl}
chem. hazardous substancesGefahrstoffe {pl}
agr. biol. geol. humic substances [also: humin substances]Huminstoffe {pl}
ketoplastic substancesketoplastische Substanzen {pl}
key substancesSchlüsselstoffe {pl}
lipotropic substanceslipotrope Substanzen {pl}
biol. mediator substancesMediatorsubstanzen {pl}
mineral substancesMineralstoffe {pl}
chem. molecular substancesMolekülsubstanzen {pl}
med. pharm. nephrotoxic substancesdie Niere / Nieren schädigende Substanzen {pl}
biol. odorous substancesRiechstoffe {pl} [Geruchsstoffe, Duftstoffe]
pharm. pharmaceutical substancesArzneistoffe {pl}
priority substancesprioritäre Stoffe {pl}
chem. phys. radiating substances(radioaktiv) strahlende Substanzen {pl}
chem. toxic substancestoxische Substanzen {pl}
chem. trace substancesSpurenstoffe {pl}
pharm. vasoconstrictive substances [vasoconstrictors]vasokonstriktorische Substanzen {pl} [Vasokonstringenzien]
waste substancesAbfallstoffe {pl}
chem. working substancesArbeitsstoffe {pl}
3 Wörter: Substantive
drugs law Controlled Substances Act <CSA> [USA]Betäubungsmittelgesetz {n} <BtMG>
admin. controlled substances lawSuchtmittelgesetz {n}
EU Dangerous Substances Directive [67/548/EEC]Gefahrstoffkennzeichnung {f} [nach EG-Richtlinie]
chem. pharm. drug precursor substancesDrogenausgangsstoffe {pl}
ecol. dumping of substancesEinleiten {n} von Substanzen
environmentally hazardous substancesumweltgefährdende Stoffe {pl}
exchange of substancesStoffaustausch {m}
FireResc fire extinguishing substancesFeuerlöschmittel {pl}
chem. group of substancesStoffgruppe {f}
bot. growth-inhibiting substancesWachstumsretardantien {pl}
law hazardous substances lawGefahrstoffrecht {n}
ecol. law hazardous substances registerGefahrstoffkataster {n}
mixture of substancesStoffgemisch {n}
med. muscle-stimulating substancesmuskelstimulierende Substanzen {pl}
pharm. performance-enhancing substancesleistungssteigernde Substanzen {pl}
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