Dictionary English German: structural

Translation 1 - 50 of 343  >>

English German
ADJ   structural | more structural | most structural
SYNO   morphologic | morphological ... 
structural {adj}
constr. structural {adj}
constr. structural {adj}
structural {adj}
structural {adj}
ling. structural {adj}struktural
2 Words: Others
fine-structural {adj}feinstrukturell
tech. non-structural {adj} [e.g. fill, use]nichttragend [z. B. Aufschüttung, Anwendung]
sociol. socio-structural {adj}sozialstrukturell
geol. structural geological {adj} [structural-geological]strukturgeologisch
2 Words: Nouns
biol. med. structural abnormality [chromosome abnormality]Chromosomenmutation {f}
biol. med. structural abnormality [chromosome abnormality]strukturelle Chromosomenaberration {f} [Chromosomenmutation]
econ. sociol. structural adaptationStrukturanpassung {f}
archi. structural additionbauliche Ergänzung {f}
material structural adhesiveKonstruktionsklebstoff {m}
material structural adhesiveMontageklebstoff {m}
material structural adhesiveStrukturkleber {m}
material structural adhesiveStrukturklebstoff {m}
econ. structural adjustmentStrukturanpassung {f}
constr. structural alterationBauveränderung {f}
structural alterationStrukturänderung {f}
structural alterationStrukturveränderung {f}
biochem. chem. structural analogueStrukturanalogon {n}
biochem. chem. structural analoguestrukturelles Analogon {n}
engin. structural analysisBaustatik {f}
structural analysisStrukturanalyse {f}
engin. structural analysisStrukturberechnung {f}
constr. engin. structural analysisTragwerksanalyse {f}
constr. structural analysisstatische Berechnung {f}
acad. structural approachStrukturansatz {m}
acad. structural approachstruktureller Ansatz {m}
structural aspectStrukturaspekt {m} [struktureller Aspekt]
geogr. geol. structural atlasStrukturatlas {m}
geogr. structural basinsynklinales Becken {n}
structural basisStrukturbasis {f}
structural basisStrukturgrundlage {f} [strukturelle Grundlage]
structural basisstrukturelle Basis {f}
tech. structural behavior [Am.]Strukturverhalten {n}
material tech. structural behavior [Am.]Tragverhalten {n}
tech. structural behaviour [Br.]Strukturverhalten {n}
material tech. structural behaviour [Br.]Tragverhalten {n}
spec. structural bioinformaticsStrukturbioinformatik {f}
spec. structural bioinformaticsstrukturelle Bioinformatik {f}
biochem. jobs structural biologistStrukturbiologe {m}
biochem. jobs structural biologist [female]Strukturbiologin {f}
acad. biochem. biol. structural biologyStrukturbiologie {f}
tech. structural calculationStrukturberechnung {f}
engin. tech. structural castingStrukturguss {m}
chem. structural ceramicsStrukturkeramik {f}
tech. structural changeGefügeänderung {f}
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