Dictionary English German: stopped

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
VERB  to stop | stopped | stopped ... 
SYNO   stopped | stopped up | stopped-up
stopped {adj} {past-p}
stopped {adj} {past-p}
stopped {adj} {past-p}arretiert
2 Words
payment stoppedZahlung eingestellt
stopped up {adj} {past-p}verstopft
stopped up {adj} {past-p}zugestopft
to be stoppedfortfallen [Zuschuss etc.]
mus. stopped pipe [organ pipe]gedackte Pfeife {f} [Orgelpfeife]
dent. stopped toothplombierter Zahn {m}
3 Words
mus. stopped organ pipegedeckte Orgelpfeife {f}
4 Words
[we/they/you] have stopped all payments[wir/sie/Sie] haben alle Zahlungen eingestellt
My watch has stopped.Meine Uhr ist stehen geblieben.
to be stopped dead by sth.sichAkk. an etw.Dat. festlaufen
5+ Words
His political career was stopped dead in its tracks.Seine politische Karriere fand ein jähes Ende.
rail The train stopped between stations.Der Zug hielt auf freier Strecke.
to not let oneself be stopped by sb./sth.sichAkk. von jdm./etw. nicht abhalten lassen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Christ stopped at Eboli [original Italian title: Cristo si è fermato a Eboli] [book: Carlo Levi, film: Francesco Rosi]Christus kam nur bis Eboli
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