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 | comm. stock {adj} | 880 vorrätig |  |
 | stock {adj} [fig.] [trite, unoriginal] | 181 abgedroschen [ugs.] |  |
 | stock {adj} | 157 Standard- |  |
 | totally {adv} | 19 stock- [ugs.] |  |
 | completely {adv} | 7 stock- [ugs.] [durch und durch] |  |
Verbs |
 | comm. to stock sth. | 686 etw. einlagern |  |
 | to stock | 417 ausstatten |  |
 | comm. to stock [goods in a shop] | 261 führen [Waren] |  |
 | to stock sth. | 60 etw. speichern [als Vorrat anlegen] |  |
 | to cane sb. | jdn. mit einem Stock verhauen |  |
 | to club sb./sth. | jdn./etw. mit einem Stock prügeln |  |
 | to club sb./sth. | jdn./etw. mit einem Stock schlagen |  |
 | comm. to stock sth. | etw. vorrätig halten |  |
 | comm. to stock sth. | etw.Akk. auf Lager haben |  |
 | comm. to stock sth. | etw. am Lager führen |  |
 | comm. to stock sth. | etw. am Lager haben [fachsprachlich] |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. stock [broth e.g. for soup] | 2383 Fond {m} [Brühe z. B. für eine Suppe] |  |
 | comm. stock | 1895 Lager {n} [Warenbestand] |  |
 | stocks stock | 1352 Aktie {f} |  |
 | cane [stick for aid in walking or standing] | 1346 Stock {m} |  |
 | comm. stock [inventory] | 1118 Bestand {m} |  |
 | stock [supply] | 1083 Vorrat {m} |  |
 | stick [tree branch] | 987 Stock {m} [eines Baums] |  |
 | archi. constr. floor [storey] | 806 Stock {m} [Stockwerk] |  |
 | comm. stock | 598 Lagerbestand {m} |  |
 | gastr. stock [as the basis for a soup] | 487 Brühe {f} [als Suppengrundlage] |  |
 | gastr. stock | 271 Sud {m} [bes. von Fleisch, für Suppe] |  |
 | gastr. stock | 263 Bouillon {f} |  |
 | agr. stock [livestock] | 243 Viehbestand {m} |  |
 | comm. stock | 132 Warenbestand {m} |  |
 | comm. stock | 113 Inventar {n} |  |
 | fin. stock | 96 Gesellschaftskapital {n} |  |
 | fin. stock | 90 Grundkapital {n} |  |
 | archi. constr. story [Am.] | 90 Stock {m} [Stockwerk] |  |
 | stocks stock {sg} | 88 Aktien {pl} |  |
 | sports stock [Bavarian curling] | 74 Stock {m} [Stockschießen] |  |
 | stock [roots, descent] | 72 Abstammung {f} |  |
 | archi. constr. RealEst. storey [Br.] | 64 Stock {m} [Stockwerk] |  |
 | stock | 61 Material {n} |  |
 | stock [descent] | 55 Herkunft {f} [familiär] |  |
 | staff [stick, rod] | 47 Stock {m} [Stab] |  |
 | cloth. stock | 38 Halsbinde {f} |  |
 | comm. stock | 38 Stock {m} [Bestand an Waren] |  |
 | sports pole [e.g. ski pole, slalom pole, (Nordic) walking pole] | 36 Stock {m} [z. B. Schistock, Slalomstock, Nordic-Walking-Stock] |  |
 | comm. econ. B-stock | 34 B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware] |  |
 | bot. ethn. for. stock [tribe, race, also of a tree] | 29 Stamm {m} [Volksstamm etc., auch Baumstamm] |  |
 | weapons stock [gun] | 22 Schaft {m} [Gewehr] |  |
 | theatre stock [of an actor, singer] | 19 Repertoire {n} |  |
 | stock [of a tree] | 17 Baumstumpf {m} |  |
 | stock [pedigree] | 15 Stammbaum {m} |  |