Dictionary English German: stay at home

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NOUN   a stay-at-home | stay-at-homes
SYNO   homebody | stay-at-home
stay-at-home {adj} [homebodyish]stubenhockerisch
stay-at-home {adj} [unsociable]ungesellig
admin. stay-at-home orderAusgangssperre {f}
stay-at-home {adj} [shy, unsociable]menschenscheu
to stay (at) homezu Hause bleiben
stay-at-home mothernichtberufstätige Mutter {f}
stay at a nursing homeHeimaufenthalt {m}
to stay (at) homeeinsitzen [veraltet] [zu Hause bleiben]
pol. stay-at-home parenting creditHerdprämie {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
stay-at-home mom [Am.] [coll.]Hausfrau und Mutter
stay-at-home mom [Am.] [coll.]nicht berufstätige Mutter {f}
admin. stay at home order [also: stay-at-home-order]Ausgehverbot {n}
stay-at-home {adj} [attr.]häuslich [das Zuhause liebend, nicht gern ausgehend]
stay-at-home {adj} [mum, dad]nicht berufstätig [um auf die Kinder aufzupassen]
stay-at-home [female] [coll.] [pej.]Stubenhockerin {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
stay-at-home [coll.] [pej.]Stubenhocker {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
Stay at home!Bleibt zu Hause! [auch: Bleib zu Hause!, Bleiben Sie zu Hause!]
Partial Matches
travel TrVocab. overnight stay at a hotelHotelübernachtung {f}
med. travel stay at a health spaKuraufenthalt {m}
at home {adv}zuhause
at-home {adv}daheim
at home {adv}zu Hause
at the home {adv}daheim
at-home dayBesuchstag {m}
mus. studio at homeHeimstudio {n}
You can stay over at our place.Du kannst bei uns übernachten.
at home {adv}dahoam [bayer.] [daheim]
at home {adv}zu Haus [Rsv.]
sports at home games {adv}bei Heimspielen
not at home {adv}nicht zuhause
to be at homebeheimatet sein
sports to play at homezuhause spielen
at-home dayfreier Tag {m}
family evening at homeFamilienabend {m}
educ. taught at homezu Hause unterrichtet
to feel at homesich heimisch fühlen
sports to play at homeein Heimspiel haben
sports to play at homezu Hause spielen
to sit at homezu Hause sitzen
readers at homeZu-Hause-Leser {pl}
workplace at homeArbeitsplatz {m} zu Hause
people who stayed at homeDaheimgebliebene {pl}
born at home {adj} [postpos.]zu Hause geboren
to feel at homesich wie daheim fühlen
jobs working at home <WAH> [telework]Telearbeit {f} [Teleheimarbeit]
to grow up at homeim Elternhaus aufwachsen
to make oneself at homesich häuslich einrichten
to take place at homezu Hause stattfinden
personal care at home [for elderly]Hauspflege {f}
those who stayed at homedie Daheimgebliebenen {pl}
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