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 | theatre stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. designer, direction, lighting, scenery, version] | 46 Bühnen- [z. B. Bildner, Anweisung, Beleuchtung, Bild, Fassung] |  |
 | stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. race, victory, win, winner] | 21 Etappen- [z. B. Rennen, Sieg, Sieger] |  |
 | theatre stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. actor, debut, performance, production, properties] | 11 Theater- [z. B. Schauspieler, Debüt, Vorstellung, Inszenierung, Requisiten] |  |
Verbs |
 | to stage | 2056 veranstalten |  |
 | sports to stage sth. [a bout, the championship, etc.] | 792 etw. austragen [einen Kampf, die Meisterschaft etc.] |  |
 | theatre to stage sth. [also fig.] | 703 etw. inszenieren [auch fig.] |  |
 | theatre to stage sth. [also fig.] | etw. in Szene setzen [auch fig.] |  |
Nouns |
 | theatre stage | 2868 Bühne {f} |  |
 | stage [period] | 1535 Abschnitt {m} [Phase, Stadium] |  |
 | stage [period] | 1344 Phase {f} |  |
 | stage | 466 Stadium {n} |  |
 | travel stage [of a journey] | 429 Etappe {f} [einer Reise] |  |
 | stage [phase, also of a rocket] | 290 Stufe {f} [Abschnitt, auch Raketenstufe] |  |
 | stage [of a plan] | 198 Etappe {f} [schweiz.] |  |
 | stage | 56 Plattform {f} |  |
 | stage [platform] | 51 Gerüst {n} [Plattform] |  |
 | stage [level] | 35 Grad {m} |  |
 | stage [period] | 35 Zeitspanne {f} |  |
 | stage | 26 Podium {n} |  |
 | stage [scene of sth.] | 26 Schauplatz {m} |  |
 | stage | 23 Gestell {n} |  |
 | stage | 20 Stand {m} [Plattform] |  |
 | sports stage [cycling race] | 20 Etappe {f} [Radrennen] |  |
 | sports travel stage | 13 Teilstrecke {f} |  |
 | stage [intermediate] | 13 Zwischenstufe {f} |  |
 | stage | 12 Durchgang {m} [Phase, Abschnitt einer Arbeit, eines Experiments] |  |
 | optics stage | 11 Tisch {m} [Mikroskop] |  |
 | hist. transp. travel stage [stagecoach] | 11 Postkutsche {f} |  |
 | geol. stage | 9 Schichtstufe {f} |  |
 | optics tech. stage [microscope] | 8 Objekttisch {m} [Mikroskop] |  |
 | sports stage | 5 Teilstück {n} |  |
 | MedTech. stage [on a microscope] | 5 Objektträger {m} |  |
 | theatre stage [theatre] | Theater {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | double-stage {adj} [attr.] | zweistufig |  |
 | four-stage {adj} | vierstufig |  |
 | tech. multi-stage {adj} [attr.] | mehrstufig |  |
 | tech. multi-stage {adj} [attr.] | Vielstufen- |  |
 | tech. multi-stage {adj} [attr.] | vielstufig |  |
 | theatre off-stage {adj} {adv} | im Off |  |
 | theatre off-stage {adj} {adv} | hinter den Kulissen |  |
 | one-stage {adj} [attr.] | einstufig |  |
 | med. spec. tech. one-stage {adj} [attr.] | einzeitig |  |
 | single-stage {adj} [attr.] | einstufig |  |
 | theatre Stage clear! | Bühne frei! |  |
 | theatre stage left {adv} | links vom Schauspieler |  |
 | theatre stage right {adv} | rechts vom Schauspieler |  |
 | mus. theatre stage-friendly {adj} | bühnenfreundlich |  |
 | stage-like {adj} | bühnenartig |  |
 | three-stage {adj} [attr.] | dreistufig |  |
 | two-stage {adj} [attr.] | zweiphasig |  |