Dictionary English German: space time

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NOUN   a space-time | space-times
SYNO   space-time | space-time continuum
SEE ALSO  spacetime
tech. space time / space-time block code <STBC>Raum-Zeit-Blockcode {m}
astron. math. phys. space-timeRaumzeit {f}
phys. space-time {adj} [attr.]Raumzeit-
math. space-timeRaum-Zeit {f}
space of timeZeitraum {m}
tech. space-time curveWegzeitkurve {f}
astron. phys. space-time backgroundRaum-Zeit-Hintergrund {m}
space-time continuumRaum-Zeit-Kontinuum {n}
engin. math. acad. space-time correlationräumlich-zeitliche Korrelation {f}
tech. space-time curveWeg-Zeit-Kurve {f}
time and spaceZeit und Raum
in space and time {adj} [postpos.]raumzeitlich
phys. four-dimensional space-timevierdimensionale Raumzeit {f}
chem. space-time yieldRaum-Zeit-Ausbeute {f} <RZA>
RadioTV F Once Upon a Time... SpaceEs war einmal... der Weltraum
in a short space of time {adv}in kurzer Zeit
telecom. space time block codíng <STBC>Raum-Zeit-Block-Codierung {f} <STBC-Codierung>
Partial Matches
RadioTV F Space PrecinctSpace CopsTatort Demeter City
RadioTV F Space: Above and BeyondSpace 2063
comp. (blank) spaceSpace {n} [Leerzeichen]
safe spaceSafer Space {m}
telecom. space frequency / space-frequency block code <SFBC>Raum-Frequenz-Blockcode {m}
comp. scale-space approach <SSA>Scale-Space-Ansatz {m}
math. compactly generated space {sg} <k-space>kompakt erzeugte Räume {pl} <k-Räume>
safe spaceSafe Space {m} [auch: Safespace]
film F Space Cowboys [Clint Eastwood]Space Cowboys
film F Lost in Space [Stephen Hopkins]Lost in Space
film F Plan 9 from Outer Space [Edward D. Wood Jr.]Plan 9 from Outer Space
Deep Space Atomic Clock <DSAC>Deep Space Atomic Clock {f} <DSAC> [Weltraum-Atomuhr]
film F In Time [Andrew Niccol]In TimeDeine Zeit läuft ab
RadioTV F Time TraxTime TraxZurück in die Zukunft
med. MedTech. real-time ultrasonography <RTU>Real-Time-Ultraschall {m}
med. MedTech. real-time ultrasound <RTU>Real-Time-Ultraschall {m}
electr. MedTech. trigger delay time <TD time>Trigger-Verzögerungszeit {f}
in-house time-sharinginnerbetriebliches Time-Sharing {n}
med. five-year survival time <5-year survival time>Fünfjahresüberlebenszeit {f} <5-Jahres-Überlebenszeit>
engin. to spacebeabstanden
spaceLeerstelle {f}
comp. print spaceLeertaste {f}
spaceRaum {m}
print spaceSpatium {n}
spaceStellplatz {m}
FoodInd. pharm. QM design spaceDesign Space {m}
dent. leeway spaceLeeway-Space {m}
astronau aviat. Space ShuttleSpace Shuttle {n} {m}
RadioTV F Space RangersSpace Rangers
spacefreier Raum {m}
spaceleere Stelle {f}
comp. space [blank]Leerschritt {m}
space {sg}Räumlichkeiten {pl}
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