![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) | English ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/s1.gif) » Restrict search to this language
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![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | astronau space {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agency, age, debris, lab] | 161 Weltraum- [z. B. Behörde, Zeitalter, Müll, Labor] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space {adj} [attr.] [capsule, probe, curve, utilization] | 48 Raum- [z. B. Kapsel, Sonde, Kurve, Nutzung] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | astronau space {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agency, centre, programme, pioneer] | 17 Raumfahrt- [z. B. Agentur, Zentrum, Programm, Pionier] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | engin. to space | 175 beabstanden | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to space sth. [separate] [esp. in print] | 103 etw. trennen [auch bei Schrift, Druck] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
Nouns |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space | 1400 Raum {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space [room] | 1155 Platz {m} [freier Raum] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space1 [blank space] | 490 Leerzeichen {n} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space2 [outer space] | 431 Weltraum {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space1 [blank] | 210 Lücke {f} [zwischen Wörtern] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | print space [between lines] | 116 Abstand {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space | 79 Leerstelle {f} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | comp. space [blank] | 68 Leerschritt {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | comp. print space | 58 Leertaste {f} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space [period of time] | 57 Zeitraum {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space | 41 Stellplatz {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space {sg} | 37 Räumlichkeiten {pl} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | print space1 [word space] | 20 Wortzwischenraum {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | comp. print space [blank] | 16 Leerschlag {m} [schweiz.] [Leerschritt] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | print space | 14 Spatium {n} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space | freier Raum {m} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space | leere Stelle {f} | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space [e.g. fiscal] | Spielraum {m} [z. B. finanzpolitisch] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Others |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | in space {adv} | im All [im Weltraum] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | in space {adv} | im Weltall | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | in space {adv} | im Weltraum | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-age {adj} [e.g. tourism, weaponry, technology] | Weltraum- | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-based {adj} | weltraumbasiert | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-based {adj} | weltraumgestützt | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | med. space-consuming {adj} | raumfordernd | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-consuming {adj} | raumgreifend | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | med. space-consuming {adj} [e.g. tumour, process] | raumbeengend [raumfordernd, z. B. Tumor, Prozess] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-filling {adj} | raumfüllend | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | med. space-occupying {adj} | raumfordernd | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-saving {adj} | platzsparend | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-saving {adj} | raumsparend | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | phys. space-time {adj} [attr.] | Raumzeit- | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | space-wise {adj} | räumlich | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to allot space | Raum zuteilen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to allow space | Raum lassen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to back-space | rücksetzen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to create space | Platz schaffen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sports to create space [esp. in football / soccer] | Räume schaffen [bes. im Fußball] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to forward space | vorsetzen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to give sb. space | jdm. seinen Freiraum geben | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to give sb. space | jdm. seinen Freiraum lassen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to lack space | nicht genug Platz haben | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to save space | Platz sparen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | print to space out | ausschließen [Typographie, Satz] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | print to space out | sperren | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |