| English | German | |
– | |
| [we/they/you] shall | 917 [wir/sie/Sie] sollen | |
| [we/they/you] are to | [wir/sie/Sie] sollen | |
| [we/they/you] are supposed to | [wir/sie/Sie] sollen | |
Verbs |
| to be expected to | sollen | |
| to be scheduled to | sollen | |
| to be supposed to | sollen | |
| to be intended to | sollen [bestimmt, beabsichtigt sein] | |
Nouns |
| philos. ought | 394 Sollen {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| [we/they/you] are believed to have | [wir/sie/Sie] sollen schon | |
| sb. shoulda [coll.] [should have] | jd. hätte sollen | |
| sb./sth. should've [should have] | jd./etw. hätte sollen | |
| sb./sth. should have | jd./etw. hätte sollen | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be due [plane, train, bus] | ankommen sollen | |
| to be due in [train, bus] | ankommen sollen | |
| to be due in [ferry] | einlaufen sollen | |
| to be designed to do sth. | etw.Akk. tun sollen | |
| to be meant to do sth. | etw.Akk. tun sollen [jds. Bestimmung / Schicksal sein, etw. zu tun] | |
| to purport to be sth. [object] | etw. sein sollen | |
| to be thought to be sth. | etw. sein sollen [als Vermutung] | |
| to be set to become sth. | etw. werden sollen | |
| to be due out [magazine, CD] | herauskommen sollen | |
| to have to go somewhere | irgendwohin sollen | |
3 Words: Others |
| [they] should clearly indicate | [sie] sollen eindeutig angeben | |
| philos. Ought implies can. | Sollen impliziert Können. | |
| Should we jet? [Am.] [coll.] | Sollen wir abdüsen? [ugs.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be due to do sth. | (eigentlich) etw. tun sollen [laut Plan oder Erwartung] | |
| to be accused of having shoved sb. | jdn. geschubst haben sollen [ugs.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| philos. is-ought problem | Sein-Sollen-Dichotomie {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| That's for you to find out. | Das sollen Sie herausfinden. [formelle Anrede] | |
| He was expected to come. | Er hat kommen sollen. | |
| What shall we do? | Was sollen wir tun? | |
| What shall we drink to? | Worauf sollen wir trinken? | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be said to have done sth. | (angeblich) etw. getan haben sollen | |
5+ Words: Others |
| [they] shall be considered as a whole | [sie] sollen als Ganzes betrachtet werden | |
| All people should be treated equal. | Alle Menschen sollen gleich behandelt werden. | |
| I shouldn't have said that. | Das hätte ich nicht sagen sollen. | |
| You shouldn't have said that. | Das hättest du nicht sagen sollen. | |
| You shouldn't have done that. | Das hättest du nicht tun sollen. | |
| You weren't supposed to do that. | Das hättest du nicht tun sollen. | |
| You should have seen it! | Das hättest du sehen sollen! | |
| You should have done that. | Du hättest das tun sollen. | |
| You should have seen him! | Du hättest ihn sehen sollen! | |
| He should have been allowed to do it. | Er hätte das dürfen sollen. | |
| He ought to have read the letter. [but he didn't] | Er hätte den Brief lesen sollen. | |
| It wasn't to be. | Es hat nicht sein sollen. | |
| It wasn't meant to be. | Es hat nicht sein sollen. | |
| It wasn't to be. | Es hat nicht sollen sein. | |
| It wasn't meant to be. | Es hat nicht sollen sein. | |
| I should have done this a long time ago. | Ich hätte das schon vor langer Zeit tun sollen. | |
| I should have known better! | Ich hätte es besser wissen sollen! | |
| I was supposed to have built it here. [but I didn't] | Ich hätte es hier bauen sollen. | |
| I shouldn't have done the exam in the first place. | Ich hätte gar nicht erst zur Prüfung antreten sollen. | |
| One ought not to have lost sight of the fact that ... | Man hätte sich vor Augen halten sollen, dass ... | |
| We should not have lost sight of the fact that ... | Man hätte sich vor Augen halten sollen, dass ... | |
| quote Don't tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. [George S. Patton Jr. - General of the US Army] | Sag Menschen nie, wie sie Dinge tun sollen. Sag ihnen, was zu tun ist, und sie werden dich mit ihrem Einfallsreichtum überraschen. | |
| bibl. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. [Mt 5:4; KJV] | Selig sind, die da Leid tragen; denn sie sollen getröstet werden. [Luther 1984] | |
| They should bear the address. | Sie sollen die Anschrift tragen. | |
| They are even said to have promoted ... | Sie sollen sogar ... gefördert haben. | |
| How do we know that ... ? | Und woher sollen wir wissen, dass ... ? | |
| quote Our bones shall bleach in front of Berlin, not behind it. | Unsere Knochen sollen vor Berlin bleichen, nicht rückwärts! [F. W. Freiherr von Bülow, preußischer General] | |
| What will people think! | Was sollen die Leute denken! | |
| What are we supposed to do? | Was sollen wir denn jetzt machen? | |
| Who else should have played? | Wer hätte (denn) sonst spielen sollen? | |
| How could I possibly have come? | Wie hätte ich denn kommen sollen? | |
| We should never have done that. | Wir hätten dies niemals tun sollen. | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| mus. F We should already be praising Christ | Christum wir sollen loben schon [J. S. Bach, BWV 121] | |
| mus. F The miserable shall eat | Die Elenden sollen essen [J. S. Bach, BWV 75] | |