Dictionary English German: soll

Translation 1 - 50 of 283  >>

NOUN1   das Soll [runder See eiszeitlicher Herkunft] | die Sölle
NOUN2   das Soll [Debetseite, Sollposten] | die Solls/Soll
SYNO   Plansoll | Soll | Zielwert
sb./sth. shall
jd./etw. soll
sb./sth. is believed tojd./etw. soll
sb./sth. is said tojd./etw. soll
acc. debit
Soll2 {n}
comm. target
Soll2 {n}
comm. quota
Soll2 {n}
acc. debit sideSoll2 {n}
geol. (kettle) holeSoll1 {n} [runder See eiszeitlicher Herkunft]
tech. desired valueSoll {n} [Sollwert]
2 Words: Others
sth. is to counteract sth.etw. soll etw.Dat. entgegenwirken
sth. reads [is to be interpreted as]etw. soll heißen
acc. in debitim Soll
sb./sth. is actually supposed tojd./etw. soll eigentlich
Am I to ...?Soll ich ...?
above quota {adv}über Soll
over quota {adv}über Soll
idiom The heck with it!Was soll's!
What the heck! [idiom] [expressing frustration]Was soll's! [Ausruf der Resignation]
What the hey! [coll.] [euphemism for: what the hell]Was soll's! [Egal!]
What's the point?Was soll's?
So what? [coll.]Was soll's? [ugs.]
Meh. [Whatever.] [coll.]Was soll's.
Whatever. [coll.]Was soll's.
Wha'eva. [coll.] [sl.] [whatever]Was soll's. [ugs.]
Never mind.Was soll's. [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
lack of ...Fehl {n} an ... [selten] [oft in Soldatensprache] [Differenz von „Soll“ minus „Ist“]
geol. glacial kettle holeglaziäres Soll {n}
predetermined breaking pointSoll-Bruchstelle {f}
econ. target salarySoll-Gehalt {n}
aviat. heading bugSoll-Kurszeiger {m}
econ. target processSoll-Prozess {m}
acc. debit balanceSoll-Saldo {m}
psych. ought selfSoll-Selbst {n}
required strengthSoll-Stärke {f}
tech. set temperatureSoll-Temperatur {f}
electr. tech. desired conditionSoll-Zustand {m}
tech. nominal conditionSoll-Zustand {m}
tech. specified conditionSoll-Zustand {m}
tech. target stateSoll-Zustand {m}
3 Words: Others
idiom ... but what of it?... aber was soll's?
Ah shucks! [esp. Am.] [coll.]Ach, was soll's!
He is reputed to be ...Er soll (angeblich) ...
sth. should be conductedetw. soll durchgeführt werden
sth. is to be formedetw. soll gebildet werden
sb. is said to have written sth.jd. soll etw.Akk. geschrieben haben
sb./sth. is rumored to ... [Am.]jd./etw. soll Gerüchten zufolge ...
sb./sth. is rumoured to ... [Br.]jd./etw. soll Gerüchten zufolge ...
(Just) let him! [coll.]Soll er doch! [ugs.]
what is supposed to happenwas geschehen soll
What's the big idea? [coll.]Was soll das?
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