Dictionary English German: soft soap

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NOUN   soft soap | -
VERB  to soft-soap | soft-soaped | soft-soaped ... 
SYNO   green soap | soft soap | blarney ... 
chem. soft soapKalischmierseife {f}
soft soapSchmierseife {f}
soft soap [coll.]Schmeichelei {f}
soft soap [coll.]Schmus {m}
soft soap [coll.]Schöntuerei {f}
soft soap {sg}Schmierseifen {pl}
idiom to soft-soap [coll.]Süßholz raspeln [ugs.]
to soft-soap sb. [coll.]jdm. schöntun
to soft-soap sb. [coll.]jdm. das Goderl kratzen [ugs. für: jdm. schöntun] [österr.]
to soft-soap sb. [coll.]jdm. Brei um den Bart / ums Maul schmieren [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jdm. schmeicheln]
to soft-soap sb. [coll. for: flatter in order to gain something]mit jdm. schmusen [ugs. und selten für: jdm. Honig ums Maul schmieren]
Partial Matches
RadioTV soap operaSoap {f} [ugs.]
bot. T
med. SOAP note [Am.] [subjective, objective, assessment, and plan]SOAP-Note {f} [S: subjektive Beschwerden des Patienten, O: objektive Befunde, A: Befund / Beurteilung, P: Procedere aktueller Entscheidungen betr. Diagnostik und Therapie]
phys. soft X-ray flash <soft XRF>weicher Röntgenblitz {m}
soft openingSoft Opening {n} [inoffizielle Eröffnung (für den Kundenbetrieb, meist bei Hotels)]
tech. soft robotics [treated as sg.]Soft Robotics {f}
soft {adj}soft [ugs.]
cosmet. soapSeife {f}
spec. RadioTV soap operaSoap-Opera {f}
RadioTV docusoapDoku-Soap {f}
soap {sg}Seifen {pl}
soap-free {adj}seifenfrei
soap-like {adj}seifenartig
chem. alkali soapAlkaliseife {f}
baby soapBabyseife {f}
bile soapGallseife {f}
bone soapKnochenseife {f}
Castile (soap)Olivenölseife {f}
curd soapKernseife {f}
RadioTV docu-soapDokusoap {f}
foam soapSchaumseife {f}
foamed soapSchaumseife {f}
gall soapGallseife {f}
chem. green soapKaliseife {f}
chem. green soapKaliumseife {f}
guest soapGästeseife {f}
cosmet. hand soapHandseife {f}
chem. hard soapNatronseife {f}
cosmet. kneading soapWaschknete {f}
laundry soapWaschseife {f}
lavender soapLavendelseife {f}
leather soapLederseife {f}
chem. lime soapKalkseife {f}
cosmet. liquid soapFlüssigseife {f}
tech. lithium soapLithiumseife {f}
lye soapLaugenseife {f}
cosmet. medical soapArzneiseife {f}
cosmet. medical soapMedizinalseife {f}
neutral soapNeutralseife {f}
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