Dictionary English German: socks

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NOUN1   sock | socks/sox
NOUN2   a sock | socks
cloth. socks
Socken {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to darn socksSocken stopfen
to mend socksSocken stopfen
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. ankle socksKnöchelsocken {pl}
cloth. argyle socksBurlington-Socken {pl} [Socken mit Burlington-Karo-Muster; Burlington®]
automot. auto socks [for car tires]Autosocks™ {pl} [für Autoreifen] [auch: AutoSocks]
automot. auto socks [for car tires]Schneesocken {pl} [für Autoreifen]
cloth. bobby socksMädchensocken {pl}
cloth. bobby socks [bobby sox]Söckchen {pl}
cloth. camo socks [coll.] [camouflage socks]Camouflagesocken {pl}
cloth. casual socksFreizeitsocken {pl}
cloth. casual socks(kurze) Freizeitstrümpfe {pl} [Freizeitsocken]
cloth. MedTech. compression socksKompressionskniestrümpfe {pl}
cloth. cotton socksBaumwollsocken {pl}
cloth. crew socks [Am.]Crew-Socken {pl} [bis unter die Waden reichend]
cloth. crochet socksHäkelsocken {pl}
med. diabetic socksDiabetikersocken {pl}
cloth. disposable socksEinmalsocken {pl}
cloth. disposable socksEinwegsocken {pl}
cloth. favorite socks [Am.]Lieblingssocken {pl}
cloth. favourite socks [Br.]Lieblingssocken {pl}
cloth. girls' socksMädchensocken {pl}
cloth. grip socksAntirutschsocken {pl} [auch: Anti-Rutsch-Socken]
cloth. gym socksSportsocken {pl}
cloth. knee socksHalbstrümpfe {pl} [veraltet]
cloth. knee socksKniestrümpfe {pl}
cloth. knee socksStutzen {pl} [bes. österr.] [Kniestrümpfe]
cloth. linen socksLeinensocken {pl}
cloth. little socksSöckchen {pl}
cloth. lonely socks [coll.] [unpaired socks]nicht zueinander passende Socken {pl}
cloth. low socks [Am.]Low-Socken {pl} [bis unter die Knöchel reichend]
cloth. nylon socksNylonsocken {pl}
cloth. polyamide socksPolyamidsocken {pl}
cloth. pop socksKniestrümpfe {pl}
cloth. quarter socks [Am.]Quarter-Socken {pl} [bis über die Knöchel reichend]
cloth. sports rugby socksRugbysocken {pl} [auch: Rugby-Socken]
cloth. slipper socksHausschuhsocken {pl}
cloth. slipper socksHüttenschuhe {pl}
cloth. slouch socksSchoppersocken {pl}
smelly socksstinkende Socken {pl}
automot. snow socks [for car tires]Autosocks™ {pl} [für Autoreifen] [auch: AutoSocks]
automot. snow socks [for car tires]Schneesocken {pl} [für Autoreifen]
geogr. Socks GlacierSocks-Gletscher {m}
cloth. sports sport socksSportsocken {pl}
sport socksSportstrümpfe {pl}
cloth. sports sports socksSportsocken {pl}
cloth. swim socksSchwimmsocken {pl}
cloth. tab socks [Am.] [no-show]No-Show-Socken {pl} [von Schuhen überdeckt]
cloth. tennis socksTennissocken {pl}
cloth. thermal socksThermosocken {pl}
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