Dictionary English German: snips

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
NOUN   a snip | snips
VERB  to snip | snipped | snipped
snipping | snips
SYNO   snips | tinsnips
sb. snipsjd. schnippelt
sb. snipsjd. schnippt
2 Words
tools aviation snips [coll.]Durchlaufblechschere {f}
tools Berlin snips {pl}Berliner Schere {f} [für Blech]
tools circle snipsLochblechschere {f}
tools tin snips {pl}Blechschere {f}
tools tinner's snips {pl}(kleine) Blechschere {f}
3 Words
circular cutting snipsFigurenblechschere {f}
circular cutting snipsFigurenschere {f} [für Blech]
circular pattern snipsFigurenblechschere {f}
circular pattern snipsFigurenschere {f} [für Blech]
hole cutting snipsLochblechschere {f}
tools jeweler's (tin) snipsGoldblechschere {f}
pelican (pattern) snipsPelikanschere {f} [für Blech]
pelican (pattern) snipsPelikan-Blechschere {f}
tools pelican (pattern) snips {pl} [one pair]Durchlaufblechschere {f} [Pelikanblechschere]
tools pelican (pattern) snips {pl} [one pair]Tafelblechschere {f} [Pelikanblechschere]
straight cutting snipsDurchlaufblechschere {f}
straight pattern snipsDurchlaufblechschere {f}
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