Dictionary English German: smallest

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
ADJ   small | smaller | smallest
smallest {adj}
smallest {adj}
smallest {adj}am kleinsten [nur prädikativ]
2 Words
fourth smallest {adj}viertkleinste
second smallest {adj}zweitkleinste
smallest possible {adj}kleinstmöglich
third smallest {adj}drittkleinste
world's smallest {adj}weltkleinste
smallest room [euphemism: WC]stilles Örtchen {n} [beschönigend: WC]
3 Words
smallest in population {adj} [pred.]einwohnermäßig kleinster / kleinste / kleinstes
anat. smallest cardiac veins [Venae cardiacae minimae, Venae cordis minimae]kleinste Herzvenen {pl} [Thebesius-Venen]
4 Words
in the smallest quantities {adv}in Kleinstmengen
in the smallest spaces {adv}auf kleinstem Raum
5+ Words
far into the smallest hours {adv}bis früh in den Morgen
the smallest room (in the house)wo selbst der Kaiser zu Fuß hingeht
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Smallest Show on Earth [Basil Dearden]Die kleinste Schau der Welt
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
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