Dictionary English German: small scale

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SYNO   minor | modest | pocket-size ... 
spec. small-scale {adj}kleinskalig
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinformatig
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinmaßstäbig
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinmaßstäblich
small-scale {adj} [attr.]kleinräumig
small scalekleiner Maßstab {m}
agr. small-scale agricultureKleinlandwirtschaft {f}
pol. urban small-scale approachKleinräumigkeit {f}
econ. small-scale businessKleinbetrieb {m}
small-scale businessKleingeschäft {n}
econ. small-scale consumerKleinverbraucher {m}
pol. urban small-scale designKleinräumigkeit {f}
econ. small-scale enterpriseKleinunternehmen {n}
econ. small-scale entrepreneurKleinunternehmer {m}
agr. small-scale farmingKleinlandwirtschaft {f}
small-scale industryKleinindustrie {f}
small-scale projectsKleinprojekte {pl}
geol. small-scale reliefMikrorelief {n}
art small-scale sculptureKleinplastik {f}
ind. small-scale seriesKleinserie {f}
small-scale testModellversuch {m}
mil. small-scale warKleinkrieg {m}
small-scale {adj}im Kleinformat [nachgestellt]
econ. small-scale entrepreneur [female]Kleinunternehmerin {f}
tech. small-scale furnace [Am.]Kleinfeuerungsanlage {f}
comm. econ. small-scale operationkleiner Betrieb {m}
agr. small-scale (peasant) farmKleinbauernbetrieb {m}
small-scale {adj} [attr.]in kleinem Maßstab [nachgestellt]
on a small scale {adv}in engem Rahmen
on a small scale {adv}in kleinem Stil
on a small scale {adv}in kleinem Umfang
on a small scale {adv}in einem / im kleinen Maßstab
to operate on a small scalein kleinem Umfang tätig sein
entom. T
pharm. small-scale preparation [small-scale / traditional compounding] [Formula magistralis]magistrale Rezeptur {f}
small-scale integrationgeringe Integration {f}
art geogr. small-scale reliefkleinformatiges Relief {n}
Partial Matches
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
zool. T
med. sports Borg / Borg's rating of perceived exertion scale <Borg RPE scale>Borg-Skala {f} zur Bestimmung des Anstrengungsempfindens
comp. scale-space approach <SSA>Scale-Space-Ansatz {m}
fascist scale <F-scale>Faschismus-Skala {f} <F-Skala> [auch: Faschismusskala]
psych. stat. linear rating scale model <LRSM>lineares Rating-Scale-Modell {n} <LRSM>
med. small-fiber pathology [Am.]Small-fiber-Pathologie {f}
med. small-fibre pathology [Br.]Small-fibre-Pathologie {f}
anti-Semitism scale <A-S scale>Antisemitismus-Skala {f} <A-S-Skala> [auch: Antisemitismusskala]
MedTech. small part sonographySmall-Part-Sonographie {f}
film F Small Soldiers [Joe Dante]Small Soldiers
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